Luckily, I was very good at taking a moment to think before I spoke so that I didn't react to another person's bait. I guessed I had learned something useful from dealing with Dear Ole Dad.

"I appreciate it. However, I'm quite content with how my hair is now," I said stiffly.

Her sniff told me exactly what she thought of my style.

"You know that you'll need a complete makeover before you start your new business," Goldie said, eyes roving my appearance. "You'll need the hairstyle and clothes that befit a businesswoman."

"I'm pretty sure my chef skills will speak for me. People won't care if my hair is a simple ponytail or if my outfit is simple as long as my food is good," I said, trying not to sound confrontational.

Biting my tongue, I looked down at my meal as the two women exchanged glances.

Goldie cleared her throat, and I was expecting another barb about my hair or clothes. Instead, she asked, "You are now working as a pastry chef?"

"Yes, ma'am," I replied.

"How long have you been doing that?" she inquired.

"Formally, since I was sixteen and legally able to work.”

"I'm sure it's not a high-paying job," she said, her manicured fingers tapping against her glass.

"It pays enough," I returned.

"Why didn't you go to college and get a degree like Daisy did so you could get a good-paying job?" she asked, a manicured eyebrow rising as she assessed me.

I could have told her the entire truth – I was too busy caring for Sage and Robin to go to college. Instead, I told her what I figured she needed to know.

"Baking and cooking have always been my passion, and I have a talent for them. I did not need to go to college to acquire skills I already knew. And before you ask, I earned a certificate in business management in high school," I said firmly, feeling my heart beat quickly. I did not want to lose my temper with Michael's mother.

She clicked her tongue at me. I took a huge breath and excused myself so that I could use the restroom before I said something that I would end up regretting.

Sighing heavily, I felt as though I had just spent the last half hour having subtle insults hurled at me. There wasn't anything I could speak out about, but the inferences were pretty obvious to me. Both Goldie and Daisy considered me to be inferior and an outsider.

I stared at myself in the mirror. I couldn't compare to Goldie and Daisy. I didn't wear a lot of make-up unless there was a special occasion going on. My clothes were just the same clothes that every other person wore. They weren't designer clothes ortailor-made.

Standing up straight, I saw myself. I was Jade, and I wasn't like the Daisies and Goldies that existed in the world.

Michael was born in a world where women woke at two in the morning to put on make-up, pick out the perfect clothes and jewelry, and get started on their hair. That wasn't like me, who got up so I could go to work and make danishes, cherry cheese rolls, and donuts for the hungry people who rushed in later to grab something for breakfast.

Their comments made me wonder whether a permanent relationship between Michael and me could work.

Splashing some water on my face, I told myself to put on my big girl pants and go out to face the sharks.

We finished our meal, and I had to wait for another round of hugs and kissy faces between Goldie and Daisy. If Goldie had her way, Daisy would be her son's hookup.

The ride back to Michael's and my apartment was silent until we reached the front of the complex. Daisy drove me to the front door.

"Thanks for the help and lunch. I appreciate it," I told Daisy.

"You're welcome." Daisy hesitated for a brief moment. "I don't think you realize how lucky you are," Daisy said quietly.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Michael is a truly good man. He is a gem among all men in the world," she replied with sadness in her voice.

Not knowing what to say, I just got out of the car. I looked back and noted that Daisy seemed upset and almost thought I saw a tear.

You would not see a tear on that woman's face. It would mess up her perfect make-up that she likely spent hours fixing this morning.