I knew I had better slow down and take things one step at a time. Jade's suspicions would be raised if she suddenly was contacted by a rehab center and then by the school with a scholarship offer. The last thing I needed was for her to get her hackles raised because of her pride.

With that, I turned my attention back to the report. I was already behind on my work, and I couldn't let Jade put me behind any further.



A loud knock on the door startled me because I was so focused on my business plan. I needed to get my plan in motion soon. I had so much on my plate to take care of, such as my sister's tuition, and now trying to figure out a place that could help Dad.

I was even more surprised to see Michael's assistant, Daisy, standing in the doorway with her computer bag over one shoulder and her purse over the other.

"Hi. I hope I'm not intruding. Michael said that you were working on a business plan for a restaurant. Business plans are my expertise, so I was wondering if perhaps I could help you in any way," Daisy said. "I've also become somewhat of an expert at helping to find the perfect locations for businesses."

I wasn't an idiot. There was no way in the world that little Miss Cute and Perfect suddenly had a helpful itch she couldn't resist. She was here under Michael's orders. However, I also wasn't a fool, so if there was someone who had expertise in business plans which could help me reach my goal that much faster, I wasn't going to say "no."

"That's very kind of you. Please come in," I said, opening the door even further.

After offering her tea, coffee, and water – all of which she declined – I showed her to my office.

Daisy immediately took over, sat in my chair, and scrolled to the top of my business plan.

Apparently, there were a lot of flaws. She uttered many "hmmms" as her fingers flew across the keyboard. I could see her eyebrows rise here and there as though she wasn't sure what she was reading or that there was something fundamentally wrong with what I was doing. I found I didn't like this.

I grabbed a chair, my fingers curling into the soft cushion. "I appreciate your help, but I need you to tell me what you are doing here."

She looked at me as though I had just slapped her. A huge sigh escaped her perfect red lips. She fluttered her eyelashes before scrolling back to the top of the document where she had made her first changes and started explaining the language I should be using to make the plan seem more professional.

At first, her tone was very condescending as she answered my numerous questions. However, she gradually relaxed when she found that I was genuinely interested in learning from her.

My stomach growled loudly around noon. I had been working since three in the morning and hadn't consumed anything except some coffee.

She looked at me and smiled.

"I'm a bit hungry myself. I know a nice diner not too far from here. Let me buy you some lunch," Daisy said.

I looked at her for a minute, figuring that she meant she would put it on the corporate credit card by buying me lunch. I started to protest but realized it was just my stubborn pride again.

"That sounds very nice," I said, sighing heavily.

I was very shocked to see Michael's mother waiting for us. She had been nice to me when Robin and I visited, but I still wasn't so sure about getting together with her.

"Jade, it's so good to see you again," she said, giving me a hug that made me feel like she thought I had some disease.

In contrast, she hugged Daisy tight and kissed her on the cheek. I got the feeling that these two women were very close.

"Daisy, you look more beautiful than ever. Is that a new suit?" his mother asked.

"Thank you, Goldie. I did just buy it, and it was tailor-made just for me. It cost more than what three suits would normally cost me, but Michael taught me that spending more for one quality item was worth it," Daisy replied.

Her perfectly formed lips took a dainty sip of her sweet tea. I thought about what I looked like. I had just changed into my jeans and blouse after getting off my morning job as a pastry chef. I figured I would work alone all day, so I didn't put on anything fancy.

A jealous little devil swirled inside me as I watched the two glamorous women exchange compliments.

My mind briefly drifted as Goldie talked about this "darling new hairdresser" over on Fifth Avenue. He was making a name for himself, as he seemed to have a psychic sense of what type of hairstyle would be perfect for each of his clients.

The older woman's eyes shifted over to me, and I could see the shadow of disdain fall across her eyes.

"His name is Anthony, Jade. He's very busy, but IknowI could get you an appointment. I'm one of his very special clients, and I'm sure he would make time for you," Goldie said.