This feeling was yet another first since I had met my son.

Jade hadn’t said anything about my work hours. Since she had raised Robin alone, it likely didn’t bother her that I didn’t get home until late at night. She might even be slightly relieved by the fact that things were back to how they used to be.

At the same time, I also thought about my grandfather. What would he think about my work ethic and spending more time at home than I ever had? Would he be proud of me?

Although I wished I was wrong, I was pretty sure Grandfather would be disappointed in me. I can’t remember Grandfather ever taking any time off, except for an occasional family barbecue. I think he even worked on a few Christmases, too.

My thoughts were interrupted by one of my assistants.

“Hey, boss. I just sent you the latest report that you asked for. It should be in your email. If you have any questions, I’ll be in around nine after I drop Nina and Jack off at school,” she informed me.

“Thanks, have a good night,” I told her distractedly, reaching for my keyboard.

“You should think about getting some sleep, too,” she said. “You look like you are pretty tired.”

I smiled at her. “Soon.” Then, I focused on the document on my computer.

I looked at the report, but it was late, I hadn’t eaten, and all of the words on the screen were starting to blur. Nothing was making any sense.

Reluctantly, I shut down my computer.

I could hear my grandfather's voice in my head: "Michael, we don't leave until the job is done. You have a job, so you need to sit your ass back down in that chair and finish the report."

I took a deep breath and stood up. "Suck it," I said to the voice in my brain.

As I expected, the apartment was quiet when I got home, but Jade had left the foyer light on for me.

There was a note on the table where I always left my keys when I came in each night.

Robin wanted baked macaroni and cheese with weenies in it for dinner. There are leftovers in the fridge. You can heat up a plate in the microwave for a few minutes.

Very businesslike and direct. Just like what I've come to expect from Jade.

I had to admit that I had never had the privilege of baked macaroni and cheese with weenies. However, almost anything sounded good at this time of night, so I grabbed a plate.

I saw the light in Jade's office, so I figured she must have just forgotten to turn it off.

However, I was surprised to see that she was sound asleep, leaning over her desk, snoring softly.

Next to her was a stack of bills. I knew it wasn't my business, but I couldn't stop.

The top bill was for her sister's tuition. The amount may seem insurmountable to Jade, but I wouldn't even notice the money missing from my account. Of course, if I offered to pay it, Jade would have an apocalyptic fit. It drove me nuts that she wouldn't accept my help when I could easily do so. Instead, the stubborn woman chose to work herself to death.

Next to that was a stack of rehabilitation centers. Some catered to many addictions, while others specialized in only alcoholism. Jade had labeled some with a one and others with a two. I guessed those were the places she considered more viable options. Several pamphlets were in the trash can.

I noticed that she had circled a price on each document.

Once again, this was something that I could easily help with, but I didn't dare offer.

In my heart, I wished that Jade trusted me with what was going on in her life. There had to have been some incident that precipitated this search for a rehab place. After all, the man had been an incompetent drunk for most of Jade's and Sage's lives.

I was lucky that Jade was a very sound sleeper and still hadn't woken up even with all the snooping I had done in her office.

Leaning over her shoulder, I looked at what she had been working on—a business proposal for a bistro.

I read the research she had done and the report she was writing. I had to admit that I was impressed. It wasn't an easy task, especially since she had to work on this while she was busy doing everything she took care of.

What could I do to make her more willing to not only confide in me but also accept my help? Why does she have to be so damned stubborn?