"He's excited," Michael told me. "Since he will be attending a new school, we need to buy him his uniform and other clothes. I also think he needs a laptop because that is how all the kids do their work these days. Even the textbooks are online."

I smiled at him. "I'm pretty sure he isn't all that excited about clothes, even if it means he is going to a new school. I can see him being a bit excited about the laptop. But what else did you promise him?"

Michael shifted,a playful look overcoming his face.

"I might have promisedhim a couple of new video games," he said.

I wantedto argue because I still didn't want Robin to change from the sweet little boy to the cold entitlement of Mr. Fletcher. However, I reminded myself that Michael had his sweet moments and was changing because of Robin. I also reminded myself that if Michael could buy his son the best laptop that could help Robin's education, I would be petty to deny that.

Michael waited patiently for me to finish thinking about his announcement and was likely waiting to see if I was going to argue with him.

He was pleasantlysurprised when I said, "Sounds good. I'll go get my shoes on."

I could seeMichael assessing my outfit, and I was impressed when he didn't comment.

We went to the mall, and Robin found a backpack that featured the little boy from the television showScorpions, who was a genius and Robin's idol.

"There are onlya few more things we need to pick up," Michael said.


"You'll see,"he replied mischievously.

I knewwhat he was up to when we walked up to a clothing store featuring the latest fashions for women.

"I don't need new clothes,"I told him, pausing outside the store.

"You will have them,whether you think you need them or not," he replied, tugging me inside.

Before I could argueany further, he held up his finger. "I'm entitled to take care of my family however I see fit."

There wasno way that I could argue with that. I did have to admit that I loved being able to have all the beautiful things that I couldn't afford before. I tried not to overspend, but Michael wouldn't hear of it. He said he had enough money to buy the store if he wanted.

Another thingthat I had to admit about Michael was that he had impeccable taste. Everything he picked out for me made me look amazing.

After Michael had spentmy year's wages on buying clothes and accessories for Robin and me, we headed to the electronics store.

Robin listened very seriouslyto the salesman's explanations about each computer's pros and cons and asked intelligent questions that most adults wouldn't think to ask.

Finally,Michael was satisfied, and we could leave the mall. Robin fell asleep in the back seat, exhausted after a long day.

"Thanks for a fun day,"I said. "I wonder if Robin will wake up long enough to play his new video games. You told me one."

"It was fun,"Michael said. "As for the games, I couldn't help myself."

"He hasyou wrapped around his little finger," I said.

"I haveno idea what might give you that idea," Michael chuckled.

"The clothes were great,but I don't want you to get the wrong idea. I'm keeping my T-shirts and sweats," I informed Michael.

"I wantyou to keep them. You looked very sexy laying on the couch, dressed like that."

I grinned at him.

Once we got home and unpacked, I had to admit that while I enjoyed myself, I was still very uneasy about all the money spent on me. I didn't need new clothes, and I certainly didn't need a lot of expensive new clothes.

I was conflictedbecause I loved how he said he was taking care of his family. Although that doesn't label the relationship between Michael and me, he at least considers me a part of his family.