She smiled and shook her head. "Actually, most superheroes are unlucky in love, but I bet you would be the exception."

I didn't get the chance to ask her why I would be the exception because she was looking at her pin again.

"I'm really grateful for this. It's been in my family for generations," she said sincerely. "Please let me make it up to you."

"I haven't eaten anything all day and am now pretty hungry. Why don't you join me for dinner?"

She smiled and gathered her dress before holding it up. "I need to go and return this before I have any more accidents. Then I'll be all yours."

"Don't make promises you can't keep," I told her, imagining how she could be 'all mine.'

I wanted to spend more time with her. I wanted to see more of that smile, hear her laugh, and listen to her talk about anything that went through her mind. And I liked how she was just herself without fawning over me like most tended to do. She looked at me like she knew exactly what was going through my mind, and I waited for her to change her mind about dinner. Instead, she surprised me by smirking.

"Who said I can't keep it?"

I smiled and looked her right in the eye. "You talk a big game for someone so small."

"Let's start with first names first, and then we'll figure out the rest from there. She said with a laugh. "Or do I have to call you Blue Eyes for the rest of the day?"

"I'm Michael," I said, holding out my hand.

She shook it. "Jade."

"More like Emerald," I said, tilting my head and pretending to study her.

She looked puzzled. "Pardon?"

"Your eyes, they are more emerald than jade."

She chuckled and rolled her eyes. "Now that we have names and colors out of the way, I'll see you in thirty minutes."

"Make it fifteen."

She nodded and left me with a smile. Maybe my mother had been right about charity auctions being fun after all.



I quickly changed into my clothes and checked in with the assistant for all the items I had been wearing. As soon as I finished, I made my way to the main hall, where I found Michael waiting for me. He really was a sight to behold, and I had to take a second to let it sink in that he was there for me. He looked up from his phone as I approached and gave that devastatingly handsome smile of his, making me smile as well.

"That was more than fifteen minutes," he said as he stood up.

"You were counting? That's promising."

Something about his smirk told me that he wasn't the type to wait for anyone, so I was flattered that he had waited for me.

"Shall we?"

I nodded, and we walked out to the parking lot where a black Mercedes was waiting for us; driver and all. Michael opened the door for me, and I got in first. When Michael got in, I moved over.

"I don't bite," he said, patting the space between us.

You aren't the problem, I thought. I needed the space to keep my head clear and ensure I didn't do something crazy like sit on his lap. This intense attraction and falling headfirst into it was all new territory for me. I was usually a slow-burn kind of girl. The type that met a guy exchanged numbers, flirted a little, then went out after a week.

"What makes you sure that I don't?"

"I'm pretty sure I could take you," he replied, looking at me from head to toe.