"Michael,"Jade exclaimed.

I lookedat the man beside her as I replied, ensuring he didn't miss a single word I was about to say. "I'm here to take you home."

"We were just aboutto finish here," Jordan replied, giving me a challenging stare.

"It's late,"I said evenly. "I'm sure you know that."

Jade was packingher stuff and I mentally willed her to be quick about it. She quickly excused herself to use the restroom, and I nearly groaned aloud. I didn't want to be here any second longer than I had to because if looks could kill, then Jordan's glare would have put me in the ground by now.

"Haveyou no respect for her work? You can't just barge in here-"

"The door was open,"I cut in, raising a brow in challenge.

He stoodup and was almost at eye level with me, just a couple of inches shorter. He had that look about him that I could see Jade going for, the good guy look. I didn't like that she had once liked this guy, and if they continued to work together like this that flame could be reignited. It didn't look like it would take much from Jordan's end; he just needed one chance and he would make his move.

"You knowyou can't push her around like that," he said, crossing his arms over his chest. "Arealman wouldn't feel insecure about his girlfriend having a job."

I hadno problem with Jade having a job. I just had a problem with her working with him. But she wasn't even my girlfriend, which bothered me more than this smug idiot's presence.

"You might wantto mind your words there. Don't talk to me like you know anything about me," I replied as my anger rose.

"I might not knowanything about you, but I have known Jade for a long time, and she has never needed a man to speak for her."

"That is true,so if you two would stop trying to see whose is bigger, I'd appreciate it," Jade cut in as she returned from the restroom and walked to my side.

Jordan mumbledan apology and Jade nodded. "I'll see you tomorrow," she said, then glared at me as she walked out.

I followed her,not understanding how I had turned out to be the bad guy here. She got into the car and didn't say anything else until we got home. She looked like she was going to head straight for her room but I placed my hand on her arm to stop her.

"Why doesit feel like you are mad at me?"

Those green eyesnarrowed at me. "You can't just come to my work and embarrass me like that."

"I couldn't geta hold of you, and it was late," I pointed out. "And why are you even working for him anyway?"

"I need the job,and I enjoy what I do. Or is that not okay with you?" She retorted, her eyes flashing.

"You don't needto work! I can-"

"Don't even finishthat sentence, Michael Fletcher! We agreed that I was going to keep my job and keep my independence. I will not be a kept woman," Jade said calmly, but I could see her annoyance rising.

Fine,so that was not going to be up for discussion soon. I didn't like it, but I had to, unfortunately, respect her wishes.

"Can'tyou see that he wants you back?" I said, thinking of how he had been looking at her.

Jade rolled her eyes. "So?"

I closedthe distance between us and touched her cheek. She smelled so good, a combination of her natural scent and cookies.

"So I don't like it,"I replied, then brushed my lips over hers.

I was pleasedwhen she leaned on her toes to follow me as I drew away. She still wanted me as much as I wanted her. It was time I made what I wanted clear enough so that she didn't have any doubts left in her mind. I didn't care that Jordan had known her longer; he wasn't here now. He wasn't the one that Jade was looking at like this.Iwas.

"I don't likethat he looks at you like he wants to do all I want to do to you right now."

"And what doyou want to do to me?" She asked in a whisper, her eyes darkening with desire.

"For starters,I want to kiss you until you agree never to see that coffee bean again."