I was worried that bringing my son to work would give people the wrong idea, like I was growing soft or something, and Daisy had pretty much confirmed it when she'd said that she had finally found where my heart was. I looked back at Robin and figured it was worth it. People could assume all they wanted because it was true. I was all mush for the little boy sleeping in the back seat.

"You have that look in your eyes," Jade said with a large grin. "The one new fathers get when looking at their kids in the nursery."

"Oh, so that's what it is? I could have sworn I saw Coffee Guy giving you the same look when he walked you out."

Jade burst into laughter as I drove off, and I couldn't be mad at that sound. Once we arrived at her apartment, she quickly prepared dinner while I kept her company in the kitchen. Jade told me how her mom taught her to cook from a young age, and I listened as she spoke and watched every move she made in the small kitchen. I couldn't help it; Jade was just that captivating.

We managed to wake Robin enough just so that he could eat. I helped him brush his teeth and tucked him into bed, and he was out again before I finished his bedtime story. I found Jade finishing up the cleaning, and I wished I didn't have to leave for a split second.

"I never thought I'd see the day when he's running on low battery like that," I said.

"Enjoy it while it lasts," Jade said with a wink as she wiped the stove, making me laugh.

"I'm going home next weekend and wanted to take Robin with me to meet the family. Is that okay?"

She was quiet for a few seconds, her hand stilling on the rag, and I wondered if she didn't trust me with Robin yet.

"The invitation is for both of you," I added helpfully.

"Are you sure that's a good idea? For me to come, that is?"

"It would be nice for you to meet the other side of Robin's family. That way, when he comes over to visit next time, you won't be sending him to strangers."

I had put it in the most logical way possible, removing my feelings from the equation. Jade hadn't given me any sign that she wanted to pursue this thing between us long-term, and I needed to test the waters. Baby steps.

"Umm, sure," she sounded hesitant.

"You can take some time off work, right?" I asked.

"Yeah, it's fine. Robin has a lesson on Saturday, but I can reschedule."


Now that my weekend plans were set, I had to make sure my family would be on their best behavior. I didn't need anyone scaring Jade away now that we were finally in a good place.

Friday night came soon enough, and we flew to my family home, where my mother anxiously awaited us.

Of course, she was over the moon to see Robin, and she was extremely sweet to Jade. I could tell that Jade liked her immediately, but the same warmth was not extended to my grandfather, who just greeted us and disappeared for the rest of the evening. The rest of the family arrived the following morning, and we spent the day just catching up and all of them fussing over my son. We didn't get a chance to get together much, given that everyone was usually pretty busy, so I was grateful to my mother for managing to get the family here.

Growing up an only child had taught me to enjoy my own company, but I enjoyed having my cousins around once in a while.

What I wanted to do now was take Jade out for a ride. My mother had given her a tour already, but I wanted to give her my version of it, and I had the perfect plan in mind. Since Robin was in good hands with my mother and the other little ones running around, I left to look for Jade. I didn't have to look for long when I saw her leave my grandfather's office looking angry.

"Hey, slow down," I said, placing my hands on her arms, but she jerked away from me.

"I just need a second," she replied coldly, making me narrow my eyes at the open door behind her.

Whatever had happened, I needed to deal with this now. Jade was our guest, and I didn't want her to be upset. I took her hand and walked back into the office, finding my grandfather pouring himself a glass of whiskey.

"Don't look at me like that, Michael," he said calmly.

"Like what? I am trying to understand why Jade was upset when she was with you."

"I was trying to make amends, but yourfriendmisunderstood me."

How he said 'friend' made me realize that the old man had more on his mind than he had let on. After he had given me his word that he would be nice to Jade, he was doing the exact opposite.

"Say whatever is on your mind, Grandfather. We might as well get it out since we are here," I replied calmly, only now noticing the pieces of paper on his desk and floor.