"Okay,"I said, resisting the urge to tease him that he could have just sent an email.

As I gotinto Michael's car, I was greeted by Robin's excitement.

"Mommy, look what I got!"He exclaimed, showing me a model of a building.

"That's great, baby,"I replied. "Did you have fun?"

He eagerly nodded,and I turned to Michael with a smile. He was looking at me like he was trying to figure something out, and judging from his clenched jaw, it wasn't anything good.

"How was work?"he asked, his blue eyes staring into my soul.

I puton my seatbelt as I replied. "It was good; I made a lot of progress. It seems you guys had quite a day."

"We did.Maybe we might have an architect on our hands."

I looked backat Robin playing with his model and couldn't help but smile. One of the highlights of my life would be waiting to see what career he chose to focus on, and it seemed to change daily.

"Or maybe hewill follow in your footsteps. You think your boss has room for one more?"

I turnedto look at Michael and was startled at the icy look in his eyes.

"You knowthere's no reason for you to be hostile regarding my work, right?"

"That depends.Was that him with you at the door?" He jerked his head towards the cafe.

"Yeah,"I replied hesitantly.

"He lookedlike he was about to climb in your purse!"

I burstinto laughter and couldn't help but feel giddy as I realized what was happening. The great Michael Fletcher felt jealous like the rest of us mortals, and it was all over me. Maybe there was hope for us after all.

"I promise you there is nothing, nor will there ever be anything between me and Jordan."

Michael didn't reply but started the car, and we drove off. Yeah, he wasdefinitelyjealous.



I tightened my grip on the steering wheel and watched as Jade's boss once again walked her out. Correction, Jade'sex-boyfriend. From where I was sitting, this guy behaved a lot like an ex who wanted to be back in Jade's life, and I was starting to suspect that this whole job thing was just a ruse to win Jade back. What kind of boss walked his employee out in broad daylight?

Why did I even care? Jade and I were not in a relationship. We were great together in bed, but that was just attraction, nothing more. Or was it? The little nagging voice in the back of my mind told me this was what jealousy felt like.

I looked at the apron guy again as he placed a hand on Jade's arm before he left and wondered what was there to be jealous about. Jade had told me they had dated for a little while, but it hadn't worked out, and I believed her. I was starting to know Jade a little, and she hadn't given me any reason to think she might have any feelings for the cafe guy. But again, it didn't matter whether she had feelings for him or not because Jade and I were not dating.

"Looking deep in thought there, Mr. Fletcher," Jade said with a smile as she looked through the window.

I was slightly startled as I hadn't noticed her walking toward me.

"You done with Coffee Guy over there?" I asked with the most neutral facial expression I could muster.

Jade chuckled as she got in, immediately checking the back seat to see our sleeping son.

"How did you manage that?" She asked, lowering her voice.

"That wasn't me. I picked Robin up from school and took him back to work, where everyone just took turns playing with him. Apparently, he's the most adorable kid they have ever seen."

Jade smiled. "I don't disagree with them there."