Jade arched her back, and my hand moved to play with her erect nipples. I kissed her neck slowly, moving down to her breasts and eventually her stomach. She opened her legs in invitation, but I ignored her glistening core. I kissed her to her toes before returning to where she needed me the most.

Jade bit her lip as I used my fingers to circle her wet nub while I kissed her neck. She felt so good underneath me, and all I wanted to do was lose myself in her, but not yet. I wanted to hear her scream my name before I pushed into her. I worked her slowly in even circles, taking her mouth again when her moans became louder. I increased my speed, and a minute later, she was shaking in my arms. I didn't give her a chance to recover as I quickly sheathed and slid into her, feeling the ultimate embrace.

Jade's fingernails dug into my skin as I began to move, adding fuel to my need. She felt so good, and I never wanted it to end, but I also knew that the destination would be worth it. I chased that euphoric feeling as I thrust into her, increasing my speed. Jade moaned and held onto me, and then we fell off the edge together. It was nothing like the times we had been together; this time was different. I didn't regret it, and some of me started wanting more.

"Is this a bad time to say that you are becoming a little heavy?"

I laughed and rolled off her before going to the bathroom. When I returned, she snuggled onto my chest, and I happily let her. Jade had been through a lot with her family, and a small bud of protectiveness was already growing inside me. I didn't know what to do to help but holding her like this felt like a good start. I kissed her temple, and she sighed with contentment, closing her eyes.

"Got any dinner plans tomorrow?" I asked, lazily stroking her bare arm.

"Working late," she groaned as she put her arm around me.

I suddenly felt tense as I thought of Jade spending all that time with her boss. It didn't make sense, and I had no right to feel that way, but I was also a man. Jade was a beautiful woman, and it would be awfully hard for any man to claim that they didn't find her attractive. The only question was which category this boss of hers fell into. Judging by the smile I had seen on her face last time, I knew exactly what he thought of her.



"I need new clothes," I said with a sigh, looking at the small pile of clothes I had taken from my wardrobe.

"I've been telling you that for years!" Tammie exclaimed, making me laugh.

We had been video chatting, and I had asked her for help picking out a cute outfit. Something that told Michael that I was open to him making another move but didn't want to seem too eager.

"How about this one?" I asked, holding a top against my chest.

"Nah, too bland."

She said that about every outfit until we got to a cute floral dress that might or might not have belonged to her. She had left it on one of her visits, and I was now claiming it as mine. Once I got the stamp of approval, I hung up and got ready. Michael was coming to pick Robin up for the day, and I wanted to look my best when he came. We hadn't managed to talk much since the amazing night we had spent together, but I was hopeful that this could be the start of something new.

Robin was ready and waiting impatiently in the living room by the time I finished. I checked if he had everything he needed in his bag, and it was all there: a water bottle, a jacket in case it got too chilly, and a small packet of wipes in case of a mess. Michael was right on time, and Robin ran to him like he hadn't seen him in months.


"Hey buddy," Michael smiled as he knelt for a hug. "Are you ready to go?"

"Yes!" Robin was nearly bouncing with excitement.

"Hey," I said as Michael looked up at me.

He looked at me in a way that made it look like he was disappointed in me, which was puzzling. I'd thought we were over the hot and cold phase, but it seemed like Michael hadn't received the memo.

"Hey," he said flatly.

Maybe something else was going on, but I didn't have time to deal with it now; I needed to go to work. I forced a smile on my face and pointed at Robin's backpack.

"There's a jacket in there in case the weather turns. Try to avoid anything too sugary."

He smiled,and it made me relax. "We already went over this."

"Oh, right."

Today was Michael's first day with Robin on his own, and I was trying to ensure that nothing went wrong. I knew Michael would take care of our son, but everyone had gone through the talk at one point in their lives. It was mandatory.

"We'll be fine," he said softly as if he knew what was going through my head.

I locked up and went downstairs together, with Robin walking ahead of us.