I couldn't helpbut wink at her, and she bit her lip slightly as she looked away, trying hard not to smile. I also found it hard not to smile as the rest of the auction progressed, the earlier cursed hat finally ending with my mother. She laughed it off when I told her the hat might be cursed, saying she was the luckiest woman alive.Maybe not the luckiest, I thought sadly since my father had left her a young widow. But I didn't like dwelling on that. My father's death had changed us all in one way or another.

"That went splendidly, didn't it?"My mother asked happily when the last item was sold.

"Well, there was that one interlude..." I said with a grin.

My mother shook her head but laughed. "I should have sold you too."

"Then you would just miss me and go through all the trouble of buying me back." I pointed out.

"Let's give it a try and see, shall we?"

Now it was my turn to laugh, and I kissed her on the cheek. "Go mix and mingle with your boring friends. I'll see you back at the hotel."

My mother said something about my manners, but I was already walking away from the scolding. I put my hand in my pocket and took the pin out, my mind on one particular redhead. I found her backstage, talking to another model. The smile on her face was so genuine and full that it made me feel like smiling. It took her a few seconds to notice me, and I gave her a two-finger salute, which made her laugh before saying her goodbyes and walking toward me.

"Hi again," she said when she stopped before me, giving me another small wave.

She was even shorter now, and I smiled.

"Someone looks happy," I said.

She looked so radiant, probably from relief that the auction was finally over. It made her look more beautiful if that was even possible, and my fingers itched to let down her hair and see it cascading down her shoulders.

"Just glad to have survived that," she replied, confirming my earlier thought.

"And to have lost the stilts?"

She looked down at her feet, covered by dress material, then laughed. "Definitely those first. It's a unique kind of torture."

"I'm sure the designer would be thrilled to hear that."

She blushed and looked around to see if anyone had heard us, I assumed.

"The clothes are beautiful, don't get me wrong. I guess we all have our tastes."

"And what are yours?"

"Probably boring,I guess. I don't get why they say beauty is pain and do exactly that. Why can't beauty be fun?" She asked with a sigh.

I shrugged, never having cared much for women's beauty trends. My mother wore all the latest designers, making walking in heels look effortless, as did every woman in her circle. I had never heard any of them complaining about it.

"This belong to you?" I asked instead as I held open my palm with the pin.

"Oh, thank you!" She quickly took it in both hands and held it like the most precious thing in the world.

"Careful, or I'll develop a hero complex."

She laughed and looked at me like she was looking for something. "Suits you."

"Really? And what would be my superpower, saving redheads?"

"Then who would save all the clumsy blondes and brunettes out there?"

"I thought only redheads are this clumsy?" I said with a wink.

"It might be just me, I'm afraid. Wouldn't be that much fun if you were following me all day trying to save me from myself now?"

"It depends on what's in it for me. Don't heroes always get the girl?"