
"Hey, stranger."

I smiled as I heard Jordan's voice, sunny as usual. We hadn't talked in a few months, but he usually checked in on me occasionally, even though we had broken up for quite some time. We hadn't worked out, but we had remained good friends, and it was nice hearing from him. The call was also a welcome break from the conversation with Michael.

"I could say the same about you," I replied. "How have you been?"

"You know me, always busy. But I made time just for you today, so you're welcome."

I laughed. "Thank you for thinking of me, oh great and busy one."

Jordan managed his family's two restaurants and cafes and was one of the most hardworking people I knew. He'd helped me once by offering me a job when I really needed it, and it was then that our friendship blossomed.

"Speaking of being busy, I could use your help with the new cafe I'm trying to open. I'm behind schedule and don't know anyone more effective than you. Are you open to taking on some part-time work?"

That was unexpected but great news indeed. The offer couldn't have come at a better time because I needed the income to help my sister and Robin's music lessons.

"Flattery will always work on me," I joked. "When do you need me to start?"

"Last week, actually," he said with a chuckle. "But I'll settle for Monday. Meanwhile, I'll send you some documents by email that I need you to go through."

"Not a problem."

"You are a lifesaver, Jade," he said, relief coursing through his voice.

He was also saving my broke behind, so we were even.

"It's a tough job, but someone has to do it."

He laughed, making me smile, reminding me of all the times I had teased him because of his weird laugh. "I'll see you Monday then. Say hi to Robin for me."

"Will do."

I endedthe call and returned to the dinner table, finding Michael with a tense expression. He had been a jerk all evening (nothing new there), and I wondered if interrupting dinner had made him angrier. I couldn't care less; I couldn't put my entire life on hold just for him.

"Who was that?" He asked with an icy glare.

There were so many ways I could answer that question to piss Michael off, but I just went with the facts since I was here for peace.

"Not that it's any of your business, but I just got offered a job. Happy?"

He kept staring at me for a few seconds until I looked away and reached for my drink. Being around Michael always evoked two strong feelings within me all the time. Either I wanted to kiss him, or I wanted to strangle him. Finding a balance between the two was exceedingly difficult, and I wondered how I would survive being around him.

"Don't look at me like you want me to disappear," I said.

"And miss all our fun little conversations? Where is the fun in that?" He replied in a sarcastic tone.

"Hate me all you want, but I'm not going anywhere. No amount of glaring or your family's money will get rid of me, so I suggest you find a positive way to deal with it," I retorted.

He relaxed in his chair and looked at me but didn't reply. Michael could be very intimidating when he wanted to be, and unfortunately for me, it seemed like he tried to do that to me all the time. Since he wasn't going to change then, it was up to me to learn how to deal with him better because I wanted this to work.

"Robin is a part of us, and he's too beautiful to be ruined by us fighting. We don't have to like each other, but we can be civil. Our son deserves to have both his parents in his life."

"So, now you think he needs us both?"

I held up my finger to stop him. "We are being civil, remember? No more fighting."

He looked like he still had a lot of things to say, none of them pleasant. But he finally nodded in agreement, and I smiled. He was much more attractive when he was a normal human being.