I groaned into my pillow, and when I tried to muster the energy to get up, I failed. This was it. I was going to hide in my room. It wasn't going to solve anything but for the time being, giving up made me feel good. If I was always going to have a soft spot for Michael, I might as well lock myself in here and avoid the temptation. The guy was a total jerk, even though he was a beautiful jerk. I always hated attractive villains in movies; if you were going to be evil, then at least the face must match the heart. But no, the world was just cruel like that. You got to look at a handsome face while the owner stabbed you in the chest. Fair trade, right?

My phone took me out of my crazy thoughts, and I thought it was Tammie calling to check up on me as I reached out to answer. However, the number on the screen was unknown, and I answered it with hesitation.


"Miss Shelton?" The voice sounded very posh and old.

"Yes,” I said slowly and cautiously. “Who am I speaking to?"

"My name is Thomas Fletcher, and I am aware of your...mishap with my grandson."

So the whole family was like this, then? How unfortunate. I sat up and crossed my legs.

"I'm assuming by 'mishap' you mean my son?" I replied tensely.

"This is not a competition of wit, Miss Shelton. I called to make sure we solve this unfortunate situation as quietly as possible, and you do not involve the tabloids in this matter."

Did these people listen to themselves as they spoke? I was so shocked that I couldn't help but laugh at how absurd he sounded. "I don't know what world you all live in, but I can assure you, that thought never even crossed my mind until you put it there,Mr. Fletcher."

I didn't know where his hostility was coming from, but maybe rich people got taken advantage of all the time. Maybe this was just their defense mechanism.

"I know all about your family, Miss Shelton. It would be no trouble to write a check, and you quietly go away in exchange."

My jaw dropped. The audacity of this man! "I might not have much, Mr. Fletcher, but I will never sell my son for money. And try all you want, but you won't separate me from my child."

"Take some time to think about it. You don't have to make any decisions today," the man sounded annoyed.

"I don't need any time to think about your offer. The answer will always be no. So I suggest you and your family go andbuyanother child elsewhere since you obviously have the means to do so and leave minealone."

"I am simply trying to ensure absolute discretion and no friction between us as we decide what is best for the child."

I refrained from pointing out that he had never met Robin, yet here he was, claiming to want to take care of him. And the most disgusting thing about it was the means he was trying to do it. What happened to good old-fashioned love? I hadn't grown up with much, but my parents loved me, and I had been a happy child. I endeavored to do the same for Robin, and I wanted him surrounded by people who loved him and taught him good values. I almost felt sad for Michael if this was what he had grown up with. No wonder he had turned out the way he had!

"Iamwhat is best for my child."

"You have my number if you reconsider," he said smoothly, ignoring my last statement.

"I won't," I snapped, then immediately hung up.

I wasn't going to listen to any more of those insulting words. I was sure that Thomas Fletcher was a respected man wherever he came from, but I had no respect for a man who thought he could get away with treating people like that. I had taken enough hits today, and I knew Michael somehow had to be behind this. Anger overtook me as I scrolled down my call history and called Michael immediately.

"Yes?" He answered in his usual annoying way.

"You put your grandfather up to it, didn't you?"

A pause. "Up to what?"

What a liar. I clenched my fist so hard I could feel my nails bite into my skin. "Don't act clueless, Michael. Your grandfather just called me and offered me money to give my son to you!"

Just saying it out loud sounded crazy, but this was my life. Threats and insane offers, and all because I just wanted to be with my son.

"I didn't know that was an option. You could have saved me all the trouble."

Thatfucker. "I am going to pretend you didn't just say that to me!"

"What do you want from me, Jade?" He sounded impatient, and it took everything in me not to lash out.

I didn't know what hurt worse, Thomas' words or that Michael wasn't even appalled by them. I wanted many things from Michael, none of which he was offering now, so it was pointless to respond.