Page 100 of From This Moment

Piper was not big on lying, the truth was usually the best route, but when it got her out of a tight situation she wasn’t averse.

“Right,” Jack needled her. “That’s no shit, is it, the smoldering looks that you’re both trying to hide and the sudden tension? I was worried about getting between you, the air was so thick.”

“Shut up,” Piper hissed.

“She’s getting pissy now, that’s a sign she’s guilty.”

“I’m not guilty, and grow up, you juvenile.”

“Doubly guilty, because the insults are now flying,” Joe said.

Jack opened his mouth to add something, but Joe sent him a look to say they’d had enough fun at her expense.

“Sorry, Pip. But there is something between you and Dylan Howard. We’re not idiots, contrary to what you believe. We like him, and want you happy. All we’re saying is that if there could be a connection, maybe you owe it to both of you to explore it.”

Could she? No, Piper knew he was leaving; no good would come of her putting herself out there.

“I have a child now, in case you’d forgotten. Even if I was interested, which I’m not, things are different.”

“And clearly he hates that kid.” Joe looked at her with sympathy in his eyes.

Piper walked away from them before she said something nasty. Unsettled, she went out back to take a breather.

Oh hell no, she was not going to do anything about the chemistry between herself and Dylan.

Chapter 26

Dylan left the hospital the following day reeling. Charlie had arrived an hour ago and he’d filled her in on what the doctors had told him. She was now sitting with Ava. After checking on his father, he’d decided on a walk to hopefully clear his head and make sense of what he’d learned.

Keeping the news from his mother hadn’t been easy, because Mary Howard was recovering and with that came her forceful personality, but he’d managed it. He and Charlie had told her that Ava had overdone it running, but he’d have to tell her the truth soon, and he wasn’t looking forward to it.

He walked up the road, and headed toward the mountains. Thoughts came and went as he tried to make some decisions. He couldn’t leave Ryker now; no way would he do that to his family. Ava needed him, just as his father, mother, and Charlie did.

How could so many things be happening to the Howards? Digging his hands into the pockets of his jeans, he tried to wrap his head around the situation.

He knew it was coincidence; there was no other explanation… but first his father, then Charlie. Now Mom and Ava.

Looking up the road, he saw Piper pushing Grace in her stroller. Had he been thinking with his usual clarity, there was no way Dylan would have increased his pace. No way would he have actively sought the company of a woman who unsettled him. A woman who was stirring up feelings inside him.

“Hey, you.”

She turned, and he enjoyed the smile she gave him because it reached her eyes. He could see she was tired, but then from what he’d seen that was a continual state for parents of young children.

“Hey, you.”

There was none of the usual fire in her eyes, or wariness for that matter. In fact, if he leaned in and kissed those soft lips, Dylan was fairly sure she’d allow it. The thought had him leaning back; he still had a small quota of self-preservation.

Jeans and a gray fitted sweater. Nothing alluring, or different from what any number of women wore, but on Piper they were pretty special. Her hair was bundled into a big clip with more haste than care, as half of it had come down at the rear.

“Hello, Gracie.” Dylan bent over the little girl and she gave him a garbled mouthful of something, which he interpreted to mean “hey you” right back. Dressed in a white and lemon puffy suit that looked seriously warm, she had a white hat tied under her chin, and a blanket tucked around her. Under her arm was Bicky.

“Nice day for a walk.”

“I’m checking out a property, actually.”

“What for?”

“To buy it. I’ve seen it tons of times, but that was before Grace became mine, so I want to look at it again. It’s run down and needs renovating, but I think it will make a great home one day for me and Grace.”