Page 93 of From This Moment

“Of course we can stay friends,” she managed to get out. Because at least if they stayed friends she would know what he was doing with his life. She’d make sure of that. “Give me your email address and I’ll send you updates on Grace.”

“And you.” He cupped her cheek. “I want to know about you too.”

“I don’t think there’s going to be much to say on that front. My life is now focused around this little girl. No dating, no going out.”

She watched his eyes as she said “dating” but they didn’t look worried about the prospect of her seeing other men. Why did that thought piss her off so much?

He didn’t speak again, just leaned in and laid a soft, sweet kiss on her lips. Then he started the car and they were heading toward the main house.

The door opened as the car stopped outside, and out they ran.

“Your family will get you through this, Piper.”

“I kn-know.” She felt the tears spill over her lashes.

His big hand reached over and wrapped around hers. He squeezed it gently.

“It’ll be okay now.”

Opening the door as Joe reached her, she let him pull her into his arms.

“You okay, sweetheart?”

“I am now I’m home.”

He released her as Jack arrived, and she was hugged by everyone, including her mother, who she hadn’t realized had arrived home.

“Mom.” Piper sobbed loudly, falling into her parent’s arms.

“She’s so sweet.”

The words came from Bailey. Easing out of the embrace, Piper turned to find Dylan holding Grace. The little girl had her arms around him and her face burrowed into his neck.

“I’ll get the stuff out of the car,” Luke said, and Jack followed.

“I’ll take her.” Piper moved closer. “She’s probably a bit shy with all the people. Gracie?” Piper touched her cheek. “You want to come to me now? Dylan has to go.”

Lifting her head, she looked at Dylan, then Piper.

“Do I get a kiss?” Dylan puckered up, and the little girl leaned in and kissed him. He handed her to Piper. There was no expression on his face; he was once again the man who had arrived in Ryker Falls.

“Thanks, bud, for everything you did.” Joe shook his hand.

“No worries. Joe, you got a minute?”

“Sure.” Her cousin walked with Dylan back to the driver side of his car.

Piper let her family take her inside. She didn’t want to watch him drive away from her, because for the first time in her life she’d found a man who maybe one day she could have built a life with. A man who did not feel for her what she felt for him.

Chapter 24

Four days after Dylan dropped Grace and Piper at her place, he still hadn’t made any plans to leave Ryker Falls. His father was finally healing and should be home next week, but his mother had come down with something. It was both debilitating and painful, and started with nosebleeds, then bruising and convulsions. She’d been admitted to hospital and thankfully had stabilized. The doctors were doing tests but that would take time. For now she was home, but weak and bedridden. He couldn’t leave when she was like that. Especially if she didn’t recover before Dad was due to come home.

He’d taken a long leave from work, and the plan had been to do some traveling, which he still would hopefully get around to.

Dylan was now sitting on his bed, back against the wall, trying to think about anything but Piper and Grace.

He’d checked on his mother earlier, and she was sleeping. Pale, she was struggling to shake whatever the hell it was that was laying her low.