Page 89 of From This Moment

Piper wiped as much as she could off with the diaper, then eased it from under the baby.

“You need to hold her legs up, or it’s going everywhere. Amazing how flexible they are, she’s not even flinching,” Dylan said, looking over her shoulder.

“Bag!” Piper snapped.

He held it out, and she dropped the loaded diaper in there.

“I think you should invest in a water blaster.”

“Wise ass,” Piper said, taking the wet wipes he held out for her. “Can you believe the color of that?”

“I’m kinda proud of her.”

“That’s something my cousins would say.”

“And likely will.”

Piper felt warm about the fact that Joe, Jack, and Luke would be at her side raising Grace, as would her mom and Bailey. Plus there was the community.

“Keep those suckers coming,” Piper said, taking another wet wipe from Dylan.

She worked steadily, removing every sign of poop from Grace’s little bottom, until finally it was done.

“And that’s yet another reason every parent who has experienced that in the middle of night should be called a hero,” Dylan said, tying off the bag. “My level of admiration has increased tenfold in a matter of hours.”

“It’s amazing people don’t stop at one, really.”

“Not really,” Dylan said, nudging her aside so he could fit Grace into her clean sleep suit. “I mean look at that face.”

She leaned in and braced a hand on his back. There was Grace smiling up at him around her bottle.

Chapter 23

Piper had been tired before and knew this was what millions of parents worldwide were doing at the same time as her, but it was hell, she wasn’t going to lie.

Grace had woken twice more crying, and each time she’d just picked her up and shushed her back to sleep. Dylan had slept on oblivious, which was a good thing, she reminded herself as she crept back into bed. He wouldn’t be with her tomorrow night, or the one after; this was her deal, not his.

Why then did she resent the fact that he was snoring softy? Tiredness was making her mean.

Sliding under the covers, she closed her eyes. An arm came out and pulled her into a solid, warm body.

“You okay?”


He was snoring minutes later. She enjoyed the feeling of being surrounded, especially when all she wanted to do was cry. Joanie had been too young to die, and still had so much life to live, and Grace had a right to have her mother at her side.

“I love you, Joanie,” Piper whispered into the dark.

She then leaned back into Dylan’s chest, and just for tonight... or what was left of it, she let herself sleep there.

Piper opened her eyes slowly.They felt scratchy, but the light coming into the room told her that it was at least morning now. Her last visit to Grace had been at three. She squinted at the clock on the nightstand; the red letters said 7:00.

Rolling over, she looked for Dylan, but the bed was empty. It was then she heard the singing, soft and off-key.

Getting out of bed, Piper made her way to the room Grace was sleeping in and found Dylan there. He was lying on his back on the single bed, and Grace was sitting on his chest clapping her hands.

“You need to go easy on Piper for a while, okay, sweetheart? She’s new at this, but I know she’d gonna be awesome, just like those uncles you’ve inherited. You’ll have them wrapped around your pinkie in no time.”