Page 82 of From This Moment

“She didn’t say what she wanted.”

“Then do what you think feels right.”

The eyes she turned on him were red-rimmed from crying, and fatigue was in every line of her face.

“I don’t know what feels right.”

He moved to sit beside her on the bed. Not touching, but close enough so he could.

“Leave this until you get home, Piper. You have family to lean on there, and they can help you make decisions.”

“I spoke to Joe.”

“I know, me too.”

“He wants to come here now.”

“I told him to go home and get things ready for Grace’s arrival. I’ll stay tonight, and drive you home in the morning.”

Her eyes searched his face as if she could read his thoughts, which he knew was impossible. Dylan could hide easily; he’d been trained to do it.

“I’m too tired to fight you.”

“Then don’t.”

“Did you call your family, Dylan?”

“They know I won’t be back tonight.”

“Your mom’s not going to like this.”

“I’m not fifteen anymore, Piper.”

“I’ve been wondering if I should tell you this or not, but Joe thinks you should know that not all your mother’s anger toward us is because of you.”

“Okay.” Dylan wasn’t sure he wanted to know what she was going to say next.

“Your mother and Joe’s father had a thing. She wanted to marry him, and our guess is his refusal, and then subsequent relationship with Joe’s mom, plus what happened with you, is why she’d like the Trainers run out of town.”

“No way... really?” The thought of his rule-following, do-the-right-thing-at-all-times mother involved with Tim Trainer was a hell of a shock.


“I can’t imagine my mom young, but I’m sure she was.”

“And maybe pretty.”

“Maybe, and thanks for telling me, because it does help to know there’s more at the root of her anger than just me. But I still need her to stop hounding you guys.”

They both looked to the door as Grace started to cry. Piper got there first.

“Hey there, baby girl.”

Dylan looked over her shoulder at the little girl. Her hair was like a halo, face red, eyes squinty. In fact, she looked like he did after a night on the drink, minus the halo.

“I guess she needs to eat now, then have a bath?”

“Sounds the right order from memory with Ava. Let me get some food for her. I got enough to supply the local school, and had help from Melody.”