Page 9 of From This Moment

Piper shrugged. Joanie had vowed her ex wasn’t still in the picture, but she had doubts.

“So this is why you’re pissed off, and why you let Jack’s new horse kick you in the thigh?”

“I didn’t let it, it’s just badly behaved,” Piper denied.

“Whatever, but let me reiterate. You will not visit Joanie again without one of us.”

“She’s my friend.”

“That piece of shit, her ex, is not. I’m not arguing about this again, Pip.”

His jaw told her that discussion was futile, so she decided to retreat... for now.

“Is your thigh okay?”


“Okay, now, don’t piss me off any more, because I need to look happy when I serve,” Joe said, straightening.

“Look at your wife, that’ll do it.”

“There is that.” He smiled at Bailey.

“Yuck,” Piper said obligingly as Bailey sighed again.

“You’re just jealous.” Joe winked at her, then walked away to serve a customer.

She was. Piper picked up her wine and sipped. Marriage, or even a committed relationship, had never factored into her life, but lately she’d been giving it some thought. Especially after seeing Grace. The little girl tugged on her heartstrings.

She watched Joe smile at someone. Turning to see if she knew who it was, Piper nearly spat out the mouthful of wine she’d just taken as the man she’d met earlier reached the bar. Of course she’d known there was a chance he may find his way to A.S. It was a popular place, and a favorite with tourists and locals. She’d just hoped that if he did, it wouldn’t be when she was there.

He was still dressed the same, and wore the same cool expression.

His eyes tracked left and found her, and although his expression didn’t change, she was sure he was as happy as she was about the encounter.

“Yeah, well, it hasn’t brightened my day any seeing you either,” Piper said.

“Problem?” Joe looked from Piper to the man.

“No problem, he helped me today when my car broke down.”

“Your car broke down? Where?”

“Bas from the garage sent Zander to pick it up. I sorted it, Joe, so settle down.”

“Why didn’t you call me? I would have picked you up.”

“Because he arrived and did that.”

“He?” Joe raised a brow, looking from her to the man. “You drove back to Ryker with him and don’t even know his name?”

Piper was used to this kind of overprotectiveness, but sometimes it stung; now was one of those times. She was a big girl and could take care of herself.

“I’m an adult, Joe, I can even tie my shoelaces now. I called Maggs and told her what I was doing, and he showed me his business card, and even rang someone to verify he was who he said he was.”

The muscles in his jaw bunched, then released. He gave her that this-is-not-done look, before forcing his social smile back in place and facing the man again.

“What can I get you, on the house.”