Page 78 of From This Moment

Joanie had written that letter knowing she was going to take her life. Knowing she was leaving her daughter alone in that apartment. It was unforgivable, even if she’d left a note for the neighbor. Piper knew she must forgive her friend, because if not it would eat away at her.

But not today, and maybe not even next week.

“If you will read these.”

She did as she was asked, reading and filling in several forms while behind her Dylan entertained Grace. She heard him making funny voices, and even singing a song in a deep, flat baritone.

“She will be happy with me,” Piper said when she was finally allowed to leave. “I have a large family and live on a ranch. It is the perfect place for Grace to grow up.” Pulling the letter out of her pocket, she handed it to the woman. “Read that. It may give you some peace of mind.”

She did, scanning the paper, before handing it back.

“Thank you for allowing me to read something so personal. I’ll collect the remainder of Grace’s things and have them here for you in the morning. Here’s my card if you need anything.”

Details were shared and then they were leaving with a diaper bag with pink rabbits on it, plus a stroller, portable cot, and a car seat.

“If you’ll just run me to a car place, Dylan, I’ll hire one and then—”

“We’ll find a hotel and go from there. Right now I have to work out how the hell to fit this thing into here.”

Piper held Grace, and they both watched as Dylan studied the car seat. Finally, after several muttered curses, he had it fitted.

“Right, in you get, princess.”

Surprised, Piper watched Grace hold out her hands to Dylan. He took her as if she was made of the finest glass, and strapped her in the seat.


“Pardon?” Dylan asked Grace.

“I want Bicky?”

He looked at Piper, who in turn opened the bag and dug around inside for a biscuit. Instead she found a ragged and worn rabbit. Holding it up, she was greeted with a squeal, so handed it over.

“Not the chocolate variety then,” Dylan said as he closed the door, and went to the trunk. Piper watched as he attempted to stow the stroller. He couldn’t find a lever, nor were there any instructions on how to break it down.

“I’m an intelligent man; it can’t be that hard, right?” He turned it over and looked at the underside.

“Any idea on how to compact this thing?”

Piper had a go, and was no wiser than him.

“How is it possible that two intelligent people can’t get this down?” Dylan said, nudging a wheel with his toe.

“You need some help with that?” A young man approached.

“We do,” Piper said, standing back to give him room.

He had it down in seconds, then put it up again and made them follow his instructions.

“Hey thanks, man.” Dylan shook his hand.

“No worries. I looked at ours for a good hour before I gave up and read the instructions.”

Once the man had left, Piper headed for the passenger side of the Range Rover.

“Dylan, I’m grateful for all this, but I know you need to get back, so just drop me at the hotel and I’ll take it from there.”

“In you get.” He opened the door, and Piper didn’t have any choice but to climb inside.