Page 73 of From This Moment

“Small steps, Piper.”

She exhaled slowly.

“Let’s go.”

“I got this, thanks, Dylan. You go on and get your dad’s meds and head back to Ryker.”

“I thought we’d covered this off already. Today I’m being your friend.”

She flipped down the visor and studied her reflection. Then opening her bag, she dug out a brush and tugged it through her hair. Lastly she slicked gloss on that lovely mouth.

“You ready now, or you got a change of clothes in there? Not that I’d have a problem with you changing clothes in my car.”

She closed her bag and looked at him. Her eyes were clearer, but he saw the anxiety.

“Look, Dylan, thanks for driving me here and being nice... really. I realize now I was in no state to do it myself. So thanks, but I can take this from here.”

“I do nice,” he felt the need to protest.

“You’re definitely learning to do nice,” she qualified. “You need to practice a bit harder with your sisters, but I think you have the makings of a fine older brother.”

“Thanks.” For some reason her words meant a lot to him. “Now shut up and let’s go.”


“Enough, Piper. Let me be a gentleman for the brief time I have it in me. Tomorrow, it’s likely I’ll be back to the surly bastard I was.”

She studied him and no doubt battled between pride and a need for his support. Her nod was brief.

“Okay, let’s do this.”

“Atta girl.”

Dylan got out and met her on the pavement, holding out a hand. She didn’t hesitate, slipping hers inside and gripping his tight.

“You need a minute?”

“No, I have to do this for Joanie and Grace. I need to get to that little girl and let her know she’s not alone.”

He led her up the ramp and inside the building. Piper asked to see Lieutenant Heath, the man who had contacted her. Then they sat and waited. As far as waiting rooms went it wasn’t as bad as some he’d sat in. Dylan kept her hand in his, balancing it on his thigh, and wondered if Piper realized she was leaning into him.

“Miss Trainer?”

Dylan and Piper looked up as a middle-aged man entered. Average height, with gray hair cut short, he was dressed in a shirt and tie.


They got to their feet as Piper answered him.

“Come this way.”

She gripped his fingers hard.

“I’m here,” Dylan said as he followed her through the door. They were led to an office and then asked to sit again. Lieutenant Heath sat behind the desk.

“I’m sorry for your loss, Miss Trainer.”

“Thank you. Can you tell me where Grace is?”