Page 72 of From This Moment

It pissed him off she felt that way. Sure, she didn’t really know him, but still, it hurt just a little that she believed he’d do this because they’d had sex, and not because she was a... well, he guessed “friend” was what he was thinking. And then there was Joe. He owed that man a great deal, but more than that, he knew this was the right thing to do because Joe couldn’t.

“Okay, I know you don’t know me well, except that I’m really good in bed... or in the shower as the case may be. But throw me a bone here, I’m trying, and I really do want to be your friend today, Piper, if you’ll let me.”

She made a small snuffling sound like a puppy. Piper was hurting, and scared, and that made something well up inside him. A protectiveness he now felt when he looked at his sisters.


“Just okay?”

“Just okay. Now tell me about your work, Dylan.”

She wanted to focus on him so she didn’t have to focus on what was waiting for her when they reached Rummer.

“I can’t tell you too much or I’d have to kill you.”


“Or take you somewhere and lock you in a cabin so you were totally reliant on me for everything.”

“I’d escape.”

“It would be impenetrable, and only I’d have a key to the door, which would be barred on the outside.”

“Would the bed be soft?”

“Big and soft.”

Her sigh rolled up his spine.

“I could sleep for a week about now.”

“Is dreaming about me keeping you awake, sweetheart?”

“Your ego is as big as Jack’s.”

“Ouch, even I know his reputation around Ryker.”

“So, tell me about your work.”

He did, telling her things that would interest or amuse her, but not the dark side. No one needed to hear about the twisted and unbalanced minds he’d come across in his time as a profiler.

Piper leaned on the door, listening and watching him. Offering the occasional comment, or question, and then she fell silent as her eyes closed. She looked soft and approachable sleeping. Her lovely body still, those eyes hidden from him.

He woke her as they pulled into the police station. Stopping the car, he released his belt and leaned over. She hadn’t moved; hands pillowing her head, she slumbered deeply.

“Piper.” He touched a soft, warm cheek. “You need to wake up now, honey.”

She woke slowly, eyes opening first. They turned and found him inches away.


“Hey yourself,” he said, moving in to brush a kiss over her cheek. “We’re here.”

“Oh God.” The eyes closed again, then opened. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to sleep that long.”

“I like silence when I drive, and you needed the sleep, so don’t worry about it.”

“You don’t plan on having children then is my guess,” she said, stretching. Her body curved backward in the seat, long arms reaching up. His sweater swam on her, and he liked seeing it on her, which was wrong, but he couldn’t stop how he felt. “Because they never shut up, which I guess I’m about to experience.”