Page 69 of From This Moment

“Where are your cousins? Why can’t they drive you?”

“Out of town with Bailey like I said. Look, I-I need to go.” Piper tried to wrench free, but he wouldn’t let her.

“I’ll drive you.”

“What?” She shook her head. “I d-don’t need that. Just let me go.”


“Rummer is five hours away, you can’t simply drive me there!”

“I have to get some meds for Dad. Now’s as good a time as any.”

“I’m not driving with you for five hours. Now let me go!”

“Why? Scared you’ll jump me again?”

Piper actually spluttered. “I-I can’t believe you said that.”

“Sure you can. Let’s go.”

She was walked down the step. Dylan towed her across the street to where his Range Rover sat. Opening the door, he motioned her inside.

“Get in and I’ll drive you. This will get you to Rummer quicker anyway.”


“Yes.” He picked her up and lowered her onto the seat.

“Dylan, stop this!”

The door shut, and then he was sprinting around the hood to the driver side. Piper was stunned by his actions, and it took her precious seconds to respond. By the time she had the door open he was in the driver seat.

“What the hell are you doing?”

“Driving you to Rummer, so shut the door.”

“You can’t!”

“Sure I can. Want to see my license?”

“B-but, you don’t.... I mean, why do you want to help me?”

He flashed her a gentle smile that made her sniff back the tears.

“I’m trying out something new, it’s called getting in touch with your emotions.”


“Do you need anything before we leave Ryker?”

“How the hell do I know, my brain is all over the place?”

“I’ll take that as a no then.”

Had all her wits not been scrambled she would never have found herself heading out of Ryker Falls seated next to Dylan Howard minutes later.

Joanie’s dead.