Page 67 of From This Moment

The next few hours passed quickly, as customers came and went. At two Piper heard her cell buzzing.


“Piper Trainer?”


“This is Lieutenant Heath, Miss Trainer. I have some bad news for you I’m afraid.”

Her heart started thudding hard inside her chest as she pressed the phone to her ear.

“What news?”

“Your friend, Miss Prentice passed away this morning.”


“I’m afraid it’s true, Miss Trainer.”

Piper heard the Lieutenant ask her to identify the body as there was no one else, and could she come to Rummer right away.”

“Yes, I’ll come now. Grace, where is she?”

“With Child Services.”

“I’m on my way.” Pip ran to get her things with the phone still stuck to her ear. “I’ll be there as soon as I can, please look after her until I arrive.”


Jan looked at Piper as she dropped the phone in her handbag.

“I-I have to go, and I won’t be back until tomorrow, earliest. Can you run things for me, Jan, and call in whoever you need. Lock up, and take the day’s takings home with you. I’ll contact you as soon as I can.”

“Of course.” Her waitress looked concerned. “Do you need me to call anyone for you?”

Her family were all out of Ryker. She would have to deal with this herself. The thought was a terrifying one, but she owed Joanie that much.

“I’ll call them, and thanks, Jan.”

Calling Maggs, Piper ran to the door. She told her friend what was happening, and asked her to take Buzz home for the night. Maggs was worried, but couldn’t accompany her as she had paintings arriving and her staff were on leave. Piper told her she’d stay in touch.

Hauling in a deep breath, she tried to think clearly. She’d walked in today, deciding the exercise would do her good. It would take time to get her car, but she should be heading out of town in under forty minutes.

Dear God, Joanie.

Piper fought back the agony of knowing her friend was gone. Her head felt weird suddenly, like it was spinning out of control, and she was starting to shake. Jerking open the door, she stepped out. Cold air was what she needed. She ran straight into a large, solid chest.


Two hands grabbed her shoulders to steady her. Looking up, she encountered the ice-blue eyes of Dylan Howard.

“Sorry.” Piper tried to step back, but the hands simply held her in place.

“What’s the hurry?”

“I-I need to go. Bye.”

“What’s wrong?”