Page 61 of From This Moment

This time they both moaned.

“I knew you would feel this good,” Dylan said, sliding out of her and in again. “So good.”

Gripping her other thigh, he boosted her up his body and took it deeper. With her back pressed to the wall he thrust in and out, hard and fast. He couldn’t take it easy, couldn’t wait; he needed her, had since he’d arrived in Ryker.

“You better come for me, Piper, because I’m close.”

Her head was back on the wall, eyes closed. They opened slowly and impaled him with a sexy look.

“Do your job and I will.”

He lowered his head and sank his teeth into her nipple. She shuddered, and he thrust harder; he was rewarded with her climax. Dylan followed, it hit him hard, leaving him drained.

She hung in his arms, her head on his shoulders as they regrouped. He had to force himself to lower her legs to the floor. Force himself to let her go. The need to stay here until the shower ran cold was strong. Dylan wanted to keep her in his arms kissing her softly, and telling her... what?


“I’ll wash, then head to the house,” he said, his voice sounding harsh to his ears.

“Okay.” She didn’t look at him as he released her.

“I’ll just wash,” Dylan said again, the words sounding stupid, but he had nothing else.

He got the soap and quickly scrubbed himself, then threw some shampoo in his hair, getting it in his eyes as he washed it out.

“Shit that stings!”

“That happens when you hurry.”

She stood in the corner watching him, beautiful body slick with water, eyes solemn.


“It’s okay, Dylan. We scratched the itch, now you need to get up to the house before they come looking for me.”

“Sure, but this... I mean I’m here a while longer and—”

“It’s done, Dylan.”

Inside him he knew that was for the best, but he wasn’t feeling sane, or his usual rational self. In fact, he felt crazy, his head all over the place.

“It’s not.” He sounded gruff.

She didn’t speak again, so he got out and dressed in the clothes Joe had given him when he’d gone to his place to shower and found it occupied by his wife soaking in the bath. Joe told him to head down here while he took the second shower.

“So I’ll see you up at the house.”

“Sure.” The words came from behind a wall of steam, her face now hidden from him.

Letting himself out the door, he made his way down the stairs and got in his car. He should just leave, but Joe knew he was here and would want to know why he hadn’t turned up for the after-match chili dogs and beer.

“This is what happens when you let people into your life,” Dylan muttered as he turned into the drive that led to the main house. “Things get complicated.”

The Trainers would take him apart if they knew what he’d been up to in that shower with their cousin, and he couldn’t blame them, even though they were two consenting adults.

What he’d just experienced had moved him, he couldn’t explain it any other way. And after, he’d behaved like a jackass... again.

He’d walked into the bathroom knowing she was in there. Something about Piper made him irrational, another side to his nature he hadn’t known existed. Seeing her standing there covering her lovely body with a towel had eradicated the one small streak of sanity he had left where she was concerned.