Page 59 of From This Moment

Chapter 15

They won, and Jack and Luke crowed all the way home. The Peasants, who were actually good guys, came back for chili cheese dogs and beer too, which meant plenty of smelly, sweaty men in the house. Piper had enjoyed the game, even if Dylan Howard had been there. The man could play, and seeing that big body of his glistening with sweat hadn’t done a lot to subdue this raging need she had for him.

Joe ordered him to the main house to eat chili cheese dogs and drink beer with the rest of them. Dylan tried to refuse politely, but eventually gave in, and was now currently showering at Joe’s. The Peasants were using the three bathrooms at the main house, and Luke and Jack had gone with Fin to shower at his place. The stables, apparently, were too cold for them.

“You’re soft,” Piper told them as they got in Fin’s car to leave.

“Fin has underfloor heating.”

“You two are the city boys,” Piper sneered. “Don’t be long, or the Peasants, Jack, Dylan, and I will have eaten all the chili dogs!”

Fin’s tires spun as he took off down the drive.

She had to admit her original opinion of Dylan was changing. She’d thought him a cold, stuck-up man when first they’d met, but that was changing... he was changing. Exposure to Ryker and its people was warming Dylan Howard up. She’d watched him interact with her cousins and Fin, and it looked like he’d always been one of them. He’d come into the café a few times too, and each time he’d brought a sister. The Howard siblings seemed to be bonding. It was slow, Piper was sure, but starting to happen.

“Hey, Mom.”

“How’s my baby?”

Jess Trainer hugged Piper close, like she always did, even if they’d only seen each other an hour ago. The rock of the Trainer family, her mother was still fit and strong, although she wore a few more lines on her face now. As usual her long gray hair was piled on top of her head in a messy bun.

For years, there were just two of them, and it had been hard on her mom working long hours and trying to control a teenager who’d been bent on self-destruction.

“Good, but sweaty. I’ll head to the stables for a shower so everyone else can wash up here. Jack and Luke have gone with Fin, and Dylan Howard is with Joe.”

“Dylan Howard? I thought he’d be gone by now?”

“No. I think he’s stayed because his dad’s still in hospital. Joe told me something wasn’t healing right so they’re keeping him in,” Piper said, kissing her mom’s cheek. She ran up the stairs to her room to collect a change of clothes. Jumping in her car minutes later, she drove to the stables. They always left plenty of supplies here for when they had guests, and truth be known this was the best shower on the property, just a lot colder if no one had turned on the heating in the bunk rooms.

“But as I’m tougher than my cousins, I can handle it,” Piper said, getting out and running into the stables.

“Hello, horsies,” she called, heading up the stairs to the bunk room her cousins had decided would be good to sleep any workers they used. Currently no one was in residence so she had the place to herself. Another positive. Not that she minded sharing a house with her family... but sometimes a girl wanted her space.

The bathroom was big enough to have a vanity, shower stall, and bench seat to put things on. Dumping her bag, Piper turned the water on and began to strip. It was cold now, and especially so as she was sweaty, but the room soon filled with steam. Piper had just removed her bra and panties when the door to the bathroom opened.

“I’m in here!” Piper grabbed a towel and held it in front of her.

It kept opening, and there in the doorway was Dylan.

“I-I won’t be long.”

His eyes started at the hair she’d released, then moved down to her face and continued on, and she felt every place they landed. Her body started to hum and heat pooled in places it shouldn’t. Suddenly she was no longer cold.

“Dylan.” The word came out like a moan. Horrified, Piper cleared her throat. “You should leave.”

His eyes rose from her legs to her face again.

“I know.”

Instead he moved inside and closed the door behind him, locking it. Holding her eyes, he walked closer, stopping when he was inches away.

“Christ, I know that would be the sensible thing to do,” he rasped. “But I lost my ability to be sensible when I saw all your lovely skin, and only a towel covering the other luscious parts.”

His blue eyes moved to her mouth, and Piper fought the urge to lick her lips.

“You’re beautiful.” He lifted a hand, wrapped it around the back of her head, and using his thumb he tilted her chin to the exact right angle. His lips when they touched hers were cool, but had her hot in seconds. It was a kiss of ruthless urgency. A kiss that stripped her resistance and urged her to take what he offered.

“If you tell me to go I will, but if not, let me share your shower.” He breathed the words against her lips.