Page 54 of From This Moment

When she’d first come to live with her cousins, Piper had learned fast that they were protective of their own, and when she became one of them, suddenly that protection widened and tightened. Especially because she was the only girl, the sister they’d never had. She’d also learned to hide what she felt and evade the truth where necessary, but still, like she knew them, they also knew her.

“He’s hot, no secret there.”

“He’s a closed book, and a cold fish. Nothing like you.”

“Awww, that’s so sweet.”

“Don’t try that shit with me, I’ve known you for years.”

“What shit?” Piper looked out the window. It didn’t take long to get anywhere in Ryker, yet the short trip to the courts was taking an age today.

“Evading the issue. I don’t have a handle on Dylan Howard yet, but I will, and until then you keep your distance.”

“What? You’re not seriously telling me to stay away from someone?” She would have laughed if she wasn’t angry. Because since she’d turned down a night of sex with Dylan Howard she hadn’t been able to get him or his hot body out of her head.

“That’s exactly what I’m saying. Luke and Joe like him, but I’m not sure yet.”

“Jesus, Jack. I can take care of myself, and while we’re on that subject, you need to stay away from that Jessica Lamont. She’s trouble.”

“The hell you say?”

“She just wants to add you to her list of conquests.”

“Sounds like my kind of woman.”

“Don’t you get sick of that?”

“That being?” He raised a brow.

“Man whore.”

“Harsh, and I am selective. Every relationship is mutual, and they always leave smiling.”

“Ewww, that’s revolting.”

“Jealous, Pip?”



Jack and Piper were friends, in fact they shared a lot more than a house. He was her confidant, just as she was his. She’d dealt with his angers and frustrations, dealt with his pain, just as he’d dealt with hers. But one thing she never agreed with him on was his womanizing. Jack had a different woman every week, and never one that lasted.

“So, Howard?”

He was also tenacious.

“Let it go, Jack.”

“I’ll be watching you.”

“There won’t be anything to watch.”

“How’s Joanie?”

Piper sighed. “I don’t know. I thought she was good when I was there, but I’ve been having doubts lately.”

“So call her.”