Page 4 of From This Moment

“My cousin Joe told me if it sounds bad inside your head, it’ll likely sound worse out of it.”

“Smart guy.”

“He thinks so,” she muttered, going to her car.

“So are you coming or not?”

He didn’t want to leave her here, and likely wouldn’t if she chose to stay and wait for a lift. He didn’t want it on his conscience that he’d left a woman on this road when there weren’t any houses or people nearby.

“Thank you for your gracious offer, but I don’t know you.”

Dylan dug his wallet out of his pocket and opened it. Extracting a white card, he handed that to her.

“You’re FBI?”

He nodded.

“And your name is Dylan Howard?”

He nodded again.

“Are you coming to Ryker on vacation?”

He nodded. “I hear the hiking is good.” Why he didn’t tell her the truth he had no idea, but something kept the words inside his head.

She looked down at the white rectangle again before handing it back to him. She then pulled out her cellphone and made a call.

“I’m getting a lift back to Ryker with a guy named Dylan Howard, because my car broke down. If I don’t make contact in two hours, you come looking for me, Maggs. And don’t tell my cousins.” She then pocked her cellphone.

“I had a 4.0 grade point average in high school, and my favorite food is steak with any kind of accompaniment.”

“Haha,” she muttered. “The thing is anyone could get one of those,” she pointed to the wallet he held in his hand, where he’d replaced his business card.”

Dylan wasn’t sure why he was bothering with this woman, but for some reason he was. Making a call he put it on speaker.

The operator answered stating that it was the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

“Nancy Hall please,” Dylan said with his eyes on the brunette, who’s name he didn’t know. “Hey, Nancy, it’s Dylan. I’m just giving a lift to a woman, her car has broken down, and she thinks my business card is from a cereal packet. You want to reassure her I’m not a fake?”

Nancy laughed, and then told the woman he was legit.

“Satisfied yet?” Dylan pocketed his cell.”

“Thank you, I will accept.”

The words came out dripping with ice. Dylan opened the passenger door and she got in with a mumbled “Thanks,” then he walked around the hood to get into the driver side. He fired up his Range Rover, and soon they were heading to Ryker Falls.

She spent the journey looking right, and Dylan straight ahead; neither made an effort to speak, and the tension in the car climbed. Her scent teased his nostrils. Soft and sexy, it wrapped around him, tugging at something inside him he rarely felt. A need to communicate, a need to get to know this woman better. He shut it down. Dylan didn’t make friends, lifetime connections, or anything in that category. He didn’t want to know her name either. She would forever be the nameless woman with attitude that he’d one day forget.

It wasn’t like he didn’t date women—hell, he even liked a few of them enough to call acquaintances—but right at this moment he was tense and he wasn’t interested in being nice.

He exhaled when he saw the sign announcing Ryker Falls. He’d drop her off and hopefully forget about her. The town wasn’t big, but he was sure if they saw each other again, there’d be no eye contact.


“I didn’t speak.” He shot her a look.

“You exhaled loudly.”