Page 32 of From This Moment

“And a donut,” she said.

She wasn’t as tall as Piper, but she was definitely a looker, although Dylan didn’t get that little charge of energy from being near her. With silky black hair and smoky gray eyes, she would have broken a few hearts during the years she performed, was his guess.

“I saw you perform in New York. It was something.” He’d worked out who she was after hearing her play last night in Joe’s bar.

“Thanks.” Her smile was shy.

“You still ride, Dylan? I remember Joe telling me that was one thing you always did that he didn’t.”

“He’s lying if he thinks it’s the only one,” Dylan said.

Luke laughed softly.

“You know my brother, he has to be the best at everything, so we let him think he is.”

“That’s my husband you’re discussing, and he rides well now, FYI.”

“Sure, but you know what we’re saying is the truth, Bailey. Joe’s fiercely competitive.”

“The hell I am.”

Joe Trainer appeared at Dylan’s shoulder, looking down at the heaped plate that had just arrived before him. He stole a rasher of bacon, then proceeded to touch base with each family member. A squeeze of Luke’s shoulder, leaning over the counter to kiss Piper, then a lingering kiss on his wife’s lips.

It wasn’t possession, or a controlling gesture, it was as natural as breathing to Joe Trainer.I’m here, family, just letting you know.

The bolt of longing nearly had Dylan getting off the stool and sprinting back out the café. Why did he want to be part of something like that now when he’d stayed away from Ryker deliberately? He’d never wanted or missed close family connections before.

I’m worried about Dad, that’s all.

“You keen for a ride while you’re here, bud? I can keep up with you now.”

“Yeah, your wife was telling me how good you are, but your brother said you still suck at it.”

“The hell he did?” Joe punched his brother’s shoulder then took the seat next to his wife, who he kissed again.

“They always do that, it’s nauseating,” Luke said, still eating.

“I bet.”

“So, how’s things with you and Ava?” Luke asked quietly.


“Sure looks it.”

“What is it with you Trainers? I’ve been back in town two days, and you all want to know my business.”

“It’s called being friendly, Dylan. You’ve been in New York too long to understand.”

“And there was me thinking it was called nosey.”

“So how are things going?”

He’d forgotten that too, the personal questions and interactions that a small town community thrived on.

“You see her over here talking to me?”

“That bad, huh.” Luke shook his head. “I blame that dickhead Zander. She’s changed since he appeared.”