Page 141 of From This Moment

“That’s good then.”

“It is, and Charlie is with Joe, and Piper with Ava, so they’ll watch over them.”

“All bases covered.”

“I hope so.”

“So you and Piper?”

“She’s still pretty pissed with me.”


He sighed as they passed a few more runners and headed up into the trail. It would be harder to pass up there, as it narrowed considerably.

“Don’t spill that,” Ted said as Dylan sloshed some of the coffee out.

“I’m trying not to.”

“So you want to have something with the she-devil?”


“It’s fair to say Piper Trainer and I have a healthy respect for each other. She calls me on my BS, and I give her shit. It’s the way we’ve always rolled.”

“Yeah, she’s a tough, no-nonsense girl.”

“I hear the respect in that sentence, and something else.”

“I’m not telling you how I feel about Piper, Ted.”

“Aw, now where’s the fun in that?”

“Move over, younger, faster men coming through!”

Ted moved left as far as he could, and Dylan right, to block Luke Trainer. But he was nimble, and slipped by, dragging his partner with him.

“You heard of the tortoise and the hare, Trainer?” Ted called. “You’re the hare.”

Luke raised a fist and kept running.

“We can’t let him beat us, and I see your sister and Joe up ahead. We need to pass them too.”

“Let’s do it.”

They increased their pace, which wasn’t easy with a mug of coffee in one hand.

“Your ass is spreading, Joe!” Ted said as they passed them. “If he’s slowing you down, sweetheart, you just tell him.”

“Fuck you, Teddy Bear. Sorry, Charlie.” Joe increased his pace until they were all running close together. Luke and his partner, Joe and Charlie, Dylan and Ted.

“Move those cute butts!”

Dylan turned to find Jack Trainer and Miss Marla, the latter in a pink woolen hand-knitted cap, pink running jacket, and gray leggings.

“Eat our dust, Miss Marla,” Joe called.

Mr. Goldhirsh did a neat maneuver, cutting off the track and going bush, and came out ahead of them dragging his partner with him.