Page 138 of From This Moment

“There are some fine-looking men around,” Maggs said as she stretched.

“Uh-huh,” Piper murmured. She didn’t want an apology or to talk to Dylan. This feeling that maybe they could have had something was done with now. He wouldn’t stay, and after he left not seeing him would help her heart to heal.

What had happened between them was fast and intense, and she shouldn’t have said she loved him. He didn’t share her feelings. Especially as he believed her capable of poisoning his mother. Okay, well maybe he’d come round to thinking differently there, but still, it had hurt, and that made her realize that she didn’t want to experience that kind of hurt again... ever. Her focus from now on was Grace and her new house. Men were no longer a factor.

“Good turnout.”

Piper made another agreeing noise. Around them stood the other competitors, all dressed for the conditions in warm sweatshirts and hats over exercise clothes. The lodge was also teeming with activity as the staff made coffee, which would be cold by the finish line.

“Hey there, Buzz.” She reached down to brush the dog’s head as he leaned on her legs. “Where are your daddy and mommy?”

“Right here.”

She turned and found her three cousins and Bailey.

“How you doing today?”

“I’m good, Joe, and haven’t heard anything more from Chief Blake yet.”

He nodded, but the clench of his jaw told her he was as worried as she was. This wasn’t going away until they could prove someone else was guilty.

“Dylan and his friend, plus Cubby, went and talked to Chief Blake about what’s been happening. He was pissed they hadn’t clued him in earlier.”

“I bet.”

“But now he knows, he’s working with them, and hopefully soon it will all be cleared up.”

“I don’t want him to die, Joe.” The words came out softly. “I may not want him in my life anymore, but I don’t want him hurt or... or worse.”

“I know, baby.” He hugged her hard. “And we’re going to make sure that doesn’t happen by keeping a watch over him.”


Dylan’s friend Mickey appeared, dressed in bright orange thermal leggings, green shorts, and a brown sweatshirt.

“Don’t tell me.” Joe held up a hand. “Your mom got those for you and you don’t want to offend her by not wearing them, right?”

Mickey didn’t look offended, simply smiled. His hair was pulled back in a braid, eyes alert behind the frames of his glasses.

“Now, Joe, no need for jealousy, we can’t all be masters of style.”

Everyone hooted with laughter over that.


She didn’t want to tense up, and fought the reaction by inhaling, but it still happened as she heard Dylan’s voice. Making herself look his way, she also saw Charlie—and surprisingly, Ava.

“Hey.” Piper moved closer. “How are you feeling?”

“Okay. I’ve got a way to go, but I’ll get there.”

Neither of them said a word about the drugs, but Piper knew Ava was aware she knew. Putting an arm around her shoulders, she hugged her close.

“You have your family at your side now, and mine if you need it, Ava. Plus, I’ve been in the position you are, and would be happy to talk to you about it at any time.”

