Page 121 of From This Moment


He tortured the other one, and then lifted her onto the edge of the tub.


He spread her thighs and gave her the most intimate kiss of all. He couldn’t keep her up there for long or she’d freeze, but a few seconds, just enough for him to taste and torment her.

“Ohhh.” The sound came as she clenched around his fingers, his mouth on the tight bud between her thighs. When her breathing grew choppy, Dylan lowered her back into the tub, easing her down on his aching length.

“Piper,” he rasped, not sure what the hell else he wanted to say. Her name came out on a long moan.

She rode him. Her lovely, lush body rose and fell, and all Dylan could do was hold her. Hold her and let her take him on a sensual ride.

She threw her head back, long wet hair trailing down her back, her beautiful breasts right where he wanted them. Leaning forward, he took her nipple into his mouth again and sucked. She jerked, seated him deeper inside her, and then buried her face in his neck and let go.

Never had a woman taken so much from him. He felt closer to Piper in that moment than he’d ever felt with anyone before, just as he had the last two times they’d made love. It was almost too much emotion. Wrapping his arms around her, he held her in a brutal grip. It was too tight, Dylan knew that, but he couldn’t make himself let her go.

“I’ll have to drain and refill this tomorrow.”

“Probably best,” Dylan said, looking up at the stars. “I think someone may be targeting my family to get at me, Piper.”

“What?” He had to ease his grip so she could look up at him.

Dylan brushed the damp hair from her forehead because... well, just because he could. He’d never wanted that before. The little touches that people shared. The brush of a hand or lips. The small smiles. It really should scare him that he wanted it now with this woman.

“I told Charlie, and then somehow it came out tonight and we ended up discussing it. There was even a whiteboard that Cubby Hawker, he’s—”

“Know him, and he’s a smart man, that one.”

“He’s bossy.”

“Has to be in his line of work.”

He talked for the second time that night about what he thought may be happening to his family, and she listened. He turned her in his arms, and they sank under the steaming water until they were submerged up to their chins.

She was silent when he finished, that fertile mind of hers running through what he’d said and what questions she wanted to ask him.

Dylan looked at the stars high in the sky and wondered if there was anywhere else in the world that had a sky just like the one before him. The twins were silhouetted, the stars sparkling, and if it wasn’t for the hell going on with his family, he’d have to say this was a near perfect moment. Of course Piper played a hand in that; he knew that, just not how he felt about her.

“So this Mickey was who you were talking to in the street before you came into A.S. and gave us the brush-off.”

“I didn’t give you the brush-off, I—”

“Yes, you did.”

“Okay, maybe I did, but I was pretty rattled at that moment so cut me some slack here. There’s also the small matter of me not being safe to be around. I tried to talk to your cousins, Fin, Ted, and Cubby about that, but they brushed it off and said they’d keep an eye on my family instead.”

“That’s the way they work.” She waved a hand about in the water.

“I guess I know that, but still, it’s weird having people on your side when for so long you were it.”


“Alone... by choice,” he added.

“Sure, and I get that, but the thing is you’re not in the city now, surrounded by a sea of faces you don’t know, Dylan. Now you have friends and people who care. Family too.”

He rubbed his chin over the top of her head while he thought about what she’d said. Friends. It felt good inside his head. Family too.