Page 76 of From This Moment

“I’m sure you’ve checked, but is she the only one left for that child?” Dylan asked.

The man sighed, then fell back in his chair.

“Yes, and a letter stating she was the child’s legal guardian in the event of Miss Prentice’s death was found in the bag with the child’s things. And as I said before, there is also a letter addressed to Miss Trainer.”

Dylan got to his feet and paced around the small room. She wasn’t his concern. He’d only met Piper a few weeks ago, and yet here he was right in the middle of something that he’d normally run from. If he was honest, the door looked pretty good about now. But he wouldn’t do that... couldn’t do that to Piper. She needed his support, if only until her family could reach her.

“The social worker will bring the child and check things over, then forms will need to be signed and they’ll have to also do a home visit to check the circumstances of Miss Trainer’s situation are agreeable.”

“They are. Her family unit is tight, and she lives on a ranch with her mother and three cousins. The small town she lives in would embrace the child.”

The lieutenant grunted. “Sounds good then, and just what the little girl needs.”

“Okay, I’m ready to see her now.”

Piper had washed her face and brushed out her hair. Her lips were painted with a fresh coat, and she looked better but a long way from the woman she usually was. His sweater hung down to midthigh, and beneath that was the long length of her jeans-clad legs

Seeing her vulnerable was unsettling for Dylan. Piper had always appeared so strong and unbreakable before today, but now he wanted to hold her and tell her everything would be okay. Even though it wouldn’t.

Of course, they had a connection now, a physical one, but this was more… but now wasn’t the time to analyze what that more was.

“Before we go see the child, Miss Trainer, I need to hand you the letter we discussed earlier that was found in the child’s possessions along with the guardianship papers.”

She walked into the room and sat next to Dylan again. He opened his hand and she placed hers instantly inside. Lieutenant Heath repeated what he’d told Dylan, and then passed Piper Joanie’s letter.

“Is it okay if I open it now, before I see Grace?”

“Of course.”

Her fingers only shook a little as she slid the paper out of the envelope. Dylan watched as she read the note, her bottom lip caught between her teeth to stop from crying.

“You’ve read it?”

“I have, and can I say that I’m glad she had a friend like you, Miss Trainer,” the lieutenant said.

“Here.” To his surprise she then thrust it at Dylan. He took it because he wanted to know why that woman in the morgue had chosen to end her life, if indeed that was what had happened.

Forgive me, Piper, for what I’ve done, but you have to know you were always stronger than me. Jace and the drugs are something I’ve tried to fight, Pip, but I could never do it. When I knew he had gone, I knew it was my time also. I don’t want to live without him, or the drugs, and I know Grace is better without both of us in her life.

Don’t think badly of me, and know that you were always the one person in my life who loved me unconditionally. Take care of my baby, dear friend, and raise her as your own. At least in this I’ve done right by her. She deserves to be a Trainer. Deserves the happiness you can give her. Tell her I love her, just as I love you, and remember what we had, Pip. Don’t mourn for the person I became. Joanie xx

Dylan’sfirst thought as he folded the note and handed it back to Piper was how could anyone be that selfish? But then he’d never had an addiction or had to fight really hard to survive, so he guessed that gave him no right to judge.

“You ready to see the child now, Miss Trainer?”

Piper sniffed loudly, then inhaled several times, but managed to keep the tears inside.


“Follow me.”

Dylan led the way, holding Piper’s hand in his, and they went down a flight of stairs and into another corridor. The room they wanted had a glass insert in the top half of the door. Lieutenant Heath pushed it open, and Dylan nudged Piper through in front of him.

“Be strong now, Piper.”

She nodded, and walked inside.

A little golden-haired girl was sitting on the floor playing with a set of blocks. She looked up as Piper entered and made a noise. Almost like a squeal, but not quite. She scrambled to her feet, and was soon walking across the room as fast as her little legs could carry her. Grace hadn’t been walking long by the way she moved, and was cute enough to make his heart hurt for what she had lost. Dylan heard Piper’s sob before she dropped to her knees and took the little girl into her arms. Little arms wrapped around her neck and there they stayed while the three adults watched.