Page 65 of From This Moment

“It’s healthy.”

“I’m healthy, but I don’t eat stuff like that.”

“Whatever, I’m leaving.”

“No. Okay, I’ll try one if you’ll stay and spend some time with me.”


The eyes she turned on him were almost lifeless, like she didn’t give a shit about anything. A trickle of unease traversed his spine. He’d seen eyes like that before, he just hadn’t thought about where until that moment.

“Because leaving you and not making contact was wrong, and coming here made me realize what I’ve missed out on, and part of that is having a relationship with you and Charlie.”

Her laugh held no humor. “A little too late for that, don’t you think.”

“No, it’s never too late. I’ll have to leave soon, but when I do, I want to know that we’re good and will keep in touch.”

She didn’t respond, just got out of the car and headed into the store. Dylan followed reluctantly. He thought about the chili cheese dog he’d left behind at the Trainers’, and the beer.

“It’s green,” he said, looking at the drink in his hand minutes later. “And she used leafy things that should go in salad or not in anything.”

Ava snuffled and then slurped hers. Dylan tried his, and was surprised. It didn’t taste as bad as expected, but there was still something earthy about it.

“I played ball for the Trainers’ team today.”


She may not think she was softening to him, but she was.

“So, about Zander.”

“I’m not talking about him.”

“Okay then, how’s it living at home with Mom and Dad?”

“Okay, but I need to move out as soon as I get full-time work.”

“And you want to do that in a hairdresser’s is my guess?”

She shrugged.

They walked along the boardwalk, and Dylan stopped to lean on the railing. Before them was water, gray and choppy today.

“Zander lives there. I’m thinking of moving in with him.”

Dylan followed his sister’s finger to the group of cabins across the water. He and Joe had spent a bit of time there as teenagers.

“Mom’s gonna love that.”

“I’m old enough to not need her permission.”

“Just as you’re old enough to choose what career you want without her permission, so why haven’t you?”

Ava shrugged. “I don’t know; I guess there’s always that little thing inside you that seeks your parents’ approval.”

“Ah, that little thing.” Dylan took another mouthful and discovered something lumpy had traveled up his straw and into his mouth. Shuddering, he swallowed.

“She means well, I guess, but she’s so controlling. I wanted to leave again after I came back after law school, but I just haven’t found the courage yet.”