Page 63 of From This Moment

Piper sat across from him in a seat that had magically appeared as two of the Pissants had separated to fit her in. Buzz moved in and took the small space between her and the next chair. An amazing feat really for a dog his size.

“Don’t feed him.”

“Just a little bit. Jeez, Joe, look at those eyes,” Piper said.

“He’s fat, and getting fatter because this entire town thinks it’s okay to give him his favorite biscuits every day.”

Fin dropped his eyes, and Mr. Goldhirsh whistled.

“Where’s the Robbins sisters?” Piper looked around the room.

“They had a date,” Luke said.

“They have a better social calendar than me,” Piper said.

Dylan had the urge to punch something as two Pissants fell all over themselves to disagree with her.

He stayed there pretending to enjoy his chili cheese dog and beer, while in fact each mouthful was now choking him as he watched Piper laugh and flirt with the Pissants and they with her. He wasn’t the jealous type, absolutely refused to give a woman that much power over him. This was just a reaction to the mind-blowing sex they’d just shared.

“Okay, so I’m out,” he said when his anger started boiling. “Thanks for the game and the meal, but I need to head in to see Dad now.”

“Laters,” Joe said, standing to do the fist grab.

“Thanks, Ms. Trainer, for the food.”


He gave the room a wave then left, not looking directly at Piper, who was deep in conversation with a Pissant.

Heading out of the Trainer property Dylan exhaled. Okay, so he’d scratched that itch, he could move on now. He was a man known for control, he could damn well control this. Maybe now they’d had sex he wouldn’t want her anymore?

“Yes,” he said loudly, “that’s exactly what will happen.”

He drove slowly, thinking, replaying what had happened between him and Piper in that bathroom. It hit him then. He hadn’t used a condom.

“Fuck.” He’d have to tell her, or maybe she’d remember. Whatever, he would need to discuss the matter with her. The thought of Piper pregnant made him sweat.

What the hell was the matter with him? He never took risks like that. He needed to get his head together.

He saw his little sister up ahead, walking along the road. Pulling up beside Ava, he wound down the window and tried to act calm.

“Hey, you want a ride, it’s cold out there.”

“No thanks.”

She wore blue jeans and a thick rust sweater and knitted cap. She looked small and vulnerable, and the thoughts that had been lurking at the back of his head intensified. Something wasn’t right with Ava; he just didn’t know what.

She would go to your room and lie on your bed because she said it made her feel closer to you.

Pushing Piper to the back of his mind, and the lack of condom, which was a bad and potentially a life-changing error on his part, he focused on his little sister.

“Where are you going?”


Dylan cut the engine and got out. They’d spent some time together, but usually Charlie was with them.

“Excellent, around is my favorite place. I’ll walk with you.”