Page 36 of From This Moment

“Wouldn’t miss it for the world. After all, I want to support my friend.”

“Good, because I offered you up as his friend’s partner for our double date tonight.”

“What? No. I meant I want to support you while you hike.”

“But you meant you’d come on the double date to support me too. So thanks, and see you.”

Maggs gave her a wave, then sprinted to the checkout, leaving Piper with a mouthful of insults and no one to deliver them to.

Piper walkedbeside Charlotte Howard up the small rise. The cold air was bracing. This had been just what she needed. Her head felt clearer, and thoughts of Dylan and his mother were now forced to the back of her head as she walked and focused on the countryside.

Piper hadn’t always liked exercise, but it got her through one of the hardest times of her life. Exercise had helped her fight her way out of the black hole that she’d dug herself into.

“Lord, this is steep.”

Maggie walked behind them, and while she was trying hard not to moan and pant, a few were slipping out.

“It’s a small incline, hiker girl, get moving,” Piper threw over her shoulder. “So Charlotte, what have you been up to since leaving Ryker?”

Cool and contained like her brother, the woman was dressed in black tramping boots, exercise leggings, and a navy windbreaker. After the initial greetings she’d not spoken another word.

“I’m in investment banking.”

“Excellent, do you enjoy it?”

Charlotte looked shocked at the question.

“Oh well… yes, of course.”

They’d been friends before Charlotte left for Dallas, where she’d gone to university and then stayed on to live. The Charlotte she’d once known, or Charlie, had been sweet and happy, for all her mother was Mary Howard. Nothing like this cool, brittle woman who wore the same expression as her brother.

“Why’d you choose Dallas?”

She seemed uncomfortable, Piper thought. Like Dylan, Charlotte hated personal questions.

“I—ah, it had what I wanted.”

As did plenty of other places closer to Ryker Falls. Piper’s guess was that this was another sibling who’d been run out of town by her bossy mother.


Piper saw Fin coming down the trail toward them wearing his ranger uniform. He pushed his aviators on top of his head so they could clearly see his eyes and the frown he was throwing Maggs.

“What the hell are you doing out here?”

“Hey, Fin.”

“Hey, Pip,” he said, keeping his eyes on Maggs.

“This is Charlotte Howard, Dylan’s sister,” Piper added, hoping to draw his attention off her friend. Maggs and Fin had always been like two cats, hissing and spitting at each other.

He shook Charlotte’s hand, said hello, then returned his attention to Maggie, who looked flushed and uncomfortable.

“And I repeat, what the hell are you doing out here?”

“I’m hiking.”
