Page 15 of From This Moment

“So what do you do, Dylan?” Fin asked.

“I’m a profiler with the FBI.”

“Yeah? I’ve watched you guys in documentaries; it’s amazing what you can figure out.”

Dylan nodded to Luke. “At least you didn’t say one of those crime programs on TV.”

“Don’t get much time for TV,” the youngest Trainer said. “So, Ava, I bet you’ve seen some changes in her?”

“Yes, she’s changed. Are you and she friends?” Dylan thought it wouldn’t hurt to know a bit about his little sister if he was going to be in Ryker Falls for a while.

Luke looked cagey.

“Not really. She, ah, she hangs with a different crowd.”

“What kind of crowd?”

Panic was the only word to describe Luke’s face now.

“Don’t grill him about your sister.” Piper spoke, drawing his eyes back to her.

“I just asked a question, I hardly think that constitutes a grilling.”

Her lips pursed, and as they were painted bright red they drew his eyes. She’d be hell to have a relationship with, was his guess. High maintenance and demanding. But he bet those lips tasted sweet.

“Maybe if you want to know more about your sister you should ask her.”

The words had been spoken in a sickly sweet tone, but there was nothing remotely sweet about the look in her eyes.

“Now if you will excuse me, I have to start early tomorrow.”

She climbed off the barstool and hugged her family and friends. Him she ignored, which fired his anger to life. Lifting a hand, she walked away, moving with that natural grace some women have.

“I’ll say goodnight too.” He acknowledged everyone before leaving. Joe slapped his hand just like they had when they were teenagers. Some habits were ingrained, Dylan guessed.

He caught up with Piper as she reached her car.

“I can’t work out what your problem is with me, other than my surname, and you didn’t know that earlier.”

She was looking in her handbag, which was no doubt full of copious quantities of useless crap.

“I don’t have a problem with you.”

“You do, and I want to know why when we’ve never met before today, and okay, we didn’t exactly get off to a good start, but still, that anger you’re holding on to is starting to piss me off. Especially as I haven’t done a damn thing to deserve it.”

She closed the bag. All the anger had gone when she looked up at him.

“Look, I’m sorry, okay. Today was a rough day for me, and then there’s your mom, and that other thing.” She looked uncomfortable, not a look she was used to, he was sure.

“Other thing?”

She thought about that.

“The hotness thing.”

“Hotness thing?”

“You’re sexy as hell, all right!” she snapped. “And I do not want to be attracted to anyone right now, so it was easier to be—”