Page 137 of From This Moment

Everyone nodded. Dylan explained everything that was happening.

“And you now believe that this poisoning was done by whoever is targeting us to get to you?” his father asked.

“I do. I didn’t at first, because I was shocked and angry—”

“And you care about Piper so it hurt more?” Charlie interrupted him.


“You care about her?” His mother looked horrified.

“I do, so you need to deal with that fact. But as she’s not going to forgive me for accusing her of trying to poison you, I doubt there’s a future for us.”

Dylan had deliberately not thought about what he felt for Piper, but now, since she’d told him she wanted nothing more to do with him, he’d realized that Piper Trainer had become vital to his existence.

A terrifying thought, especially as she wouldn’t even talk to him.

“Someone is targeting you all to get at me.”

“But surely that means it has to be someone we all know, if they were able to get close to us and into the café?” his mother said.

“Maybe, or he’s taking his chances when no one is looking,” Dylan said. “But the bottom line here is that we don’t go anywhere alone from now on. You go out in pairs, or have people come here. Only people you know really well, and if anything strikes you as odd, then you let me know.”

“Oh now—”

“I mean it, Mom. This is serious. Whoever is here wants to get at you through me. For now what’s been done hasn’t been fatal, and we think that’s because he’s waiting to strike at me.”

“Oh my God!” Ava looked scared. “You think he wants to kill you?”

“I do, and that he lured me back here to do it. But we can’t discount that he wants to hurt one of you again also, so you need to be vigilant. Don’t go out after dark. I need you all to promise me this. I can’t catch him and worry about you at the same time. You have to stay here as much as you can. Please,” he added, looking around the faces of his family that only lately he’d come to care for.

“We can do this until it’s resolved, son. But we don’t want you taking risks either.”

“I promise.”

“Can we do the Coffee Run?”

He looked at Charlie. She’d changed, just as he had. Less brittle, there was a softness to her now.

“Sure, I think that will be okay, since we run in pairs and there will be plenty of people about. But Mom and Dad can stay home, and the doors will be locked.”

His parents didn’t argue, which was a surprise. He could see his words had shocked his mother, and while she’d never been the best parent, he guessed she still loved them in her own way.

“Come on, Mary, I think we need to talk through a few things, starting with the Trainers,” his father said, slowly getting out of his chair and holding out a hand to his wife.

Watching them leave the room, Dylan realized that he actually had a lot to live for now. He’d never given death much thought, but knew it would come sometime. However, now he didn’t want it to come before he was old and gray. He had family, and yes, Piper and Grace, even though she wanted nothing to do with him.

He had to speak with her again, and try and make her see why he’d behaved as he had. The thought of life with Piper Trainer loathing him didn’t sit well with Dylan. He wasn’t sure what he wanted with her, but he wanted something.

Right now, he had to catch the person who was out to kill him before he could contemplate a future.

Chapter 36

The Coffee Run started from the lodge in the middle of the day so it was warmer. Piper had come because her mom told her she had to. Jess Trainer would be waiting at the finish with Grace.

“If I get paired with Lionel Brady I’m forfeiting. That guy left bruises last year, he pinched my butt so many times,” Maggs said.

“Yes, the man’s an octopus.” Piper looked around them. So far she’d seen no sign of Dylan, which suited her. Most of the faces in the crowd were familiar, though some were tourists. Could one of these people be responsible for what was happening to Dylan? The thought sent a chill down her spine.