Page 116 of From This Moment

The silence in the car gave Dylan his answer. He sighed, because there wasn’t much else he could say.

They got out and headed up a set of stone steps and in through a glass door. A pitched roof gave the room a feeling of space, and a fire roared in the stone hearth, making it welcoming.

Ted Hosking, the lodge’s owner, stood talking to a man Dylan didn’t know and Fin Hudson. The talk stopped as he and the Trainers walked in.

“Well hell, you got him here. Come on in, city boy, I need new blood to fleece,” Fin drawled, coming forward to shake Dylan’s hand.

“You think so, do you?”

“I’ll reserve judgment till I’ve seen you play. You know everyone but this idiot. Sheriff Cubby Hawker, this is Dylan Howard.”

The man was big, with rust-colored hair, and tanned skin. He had that vital look fit people had, and a pair of intense blue eyes.

“Cubby’s from Lake Howling, Oregon. He’s a friend of Fin’s. We met in police academy.”

“You went to police academy?” Dylan asked the ranger.

He shrugged. “Turns out I’m not that good at following rules.”

“Amen,” Cubby said, raising his beer.

“Cubby’s here scouting out a place for his bachelor party.”

“Long way to go for a bachelor party.” Dylan accepted the beer Joe handed him.

“My girl is going to Vegas, so I figure I got some wiggle room there,” the sheriff said with a slow smile.

“He has these rich friends too, who can fly him most places. Texans,” Fin added. “We’re hoping they’ll come to the lodge so we can all crash the party.”

The sheriff just smiled. Dylan had feeling he was a man who only spoke when he had something to say.

“Okay, so we’re done with the chitchat. Now grab a drink and let’s get playing,” Ted said.

Everyone was dressed in variations of casual, from chinos to jeans, sweaters, and button-down shirts. Music played softly from a speaker system Dylan had yet to locate. The entire setting was conducive for relaxing and enjoying the occasion; not easy when he wasn’t sure if his family was under threat or not.

Dylan soon found himself on the table with Jack Trainer. They’d reached a truce, and he was glad because he had to say he liked these Trainer men now.

“How’s Ava?”

“Okay,” Dylan said. He wasn’t going into detail.

“And your mom and dad?”

“Mom’s better, and hosting bridge tonight.”

“Reason enough to be here, as I said before.”

“And some,” Dylan said, taking a shot. “Dad’s coming home tomorrow.”

They played, they talked, and Dylan felt himself relax. For now, tonight, his family were all safe. He’d given his numbers to everyone, and they’d call him if they had concerns. Charlie knew what was going on, and he couldn’t do much more. Sure the small ball of angst in his gut was there, but listening to the talk going on around him and the beers were helping him to relax.

They’d been playing for a few hours when the eldest Trainer ripped away his feeling of calm.

“I was telling Cubby about it earlier, how it’s open season on the Howards. Well, not all; you and Charlie are okay.”

Dylan didn’t reveal that in fact Charlie was facing her share of trouble. Three down in the Howard family was talking point enough, without adding to what Mickey and he had discussed today.

“You got any enemies, Dylan?” The sheriff laughed from the end of the table. He was watching Dylan beat Joe, a fact the oldest Trainer was pissed about.