Page 5 of Wicked Alphas

“What happened?” he whispers, but it’s as if he’s asking himself, not me.

Which makes absolutelynosense.

But my anxiety bubbles over, and I’ve had enough of the weirdness for tonight.

“A car accident,” I say, my voice wavering. I willnotcry in front of this stranger. Not after I’ve come this far. “Not that it’s your business.”

He grows still. “A car accident,” he deadpans.

What is going on?!

“Yes,” I hiss. “Acar accident.”

The man is giving me the same look the receptionist gave me, one of suspicion and disbelief, and I want to tear my hair out.

Why can’t I just go to my room? I don’t want the upgrade. In fact, I’d rather never see this Alpha again, and I’ll sleep on the loveseat for the next week if it means he will go away.

“Alright,Harper,” he says with a sneer, and this time, he tugs my small suitcase from my hand. “I’ll show you to your room.”

He flashes me a grin, one that doesn’t meet his eyes, and I cringe.

Why did he say my name like that?

But I follow him all the same, his essence of spice and rich citrus caressing my senses.

Damn him.

He shouldn’t smell so good. Not after the way he talked to me.

As we make our way into the living room, I’m grateful he offered to take my suitcase. The light wood staircase that leads to the second floor is beautiful, but it would be a hassle to lug my bag up those steps.

“Do you work here?” I blurt out, following him as he takes the stairs.

Of course he does! Why else would he take your bags?

“No,” he says simply as I struggle to keep up with his pace.

My brow furrows.

“No?” I repeat as we reach the top of the stairs. He stops abruptly in front of me, and I lose my balance, stumbling into him.

He turns and catches me with one arm, and I end up pressed against his chest for one terrifying moment. Embarrassment floods my cheeks as he lingers a second too long, his hand steadying me. His scent envelops me once again, and I do my best to not let it affect me.

Contrary to what I expected, his momentary touch is welcomed, even comforting.

It doesn’t make me instantly recoil, like whenhetouched me.

But the shame does, and I quickly snap out of my stupor.

“Sorry,” I mutter, staring at his massive chest, which must be nothing but hard muscle. I wonder if he’s just as sculpted underneath…

I’m exhausted, and my brain is haywire.

The Alpha looks down at me, as if he read my mind, and his crooked grin returns.

“You should watch your step,” he chides, amused. “Are you always this clumsy,Harper?”

But before I can answer, he walks away with my suitcase and I’m left trailing after him.