Page 103 of Wicked Alphas

The cat loses it. I’ve never seen him move that fast, not even when Harper (Evelynn) rescued him when he was a kitten. He runs in circles between mine and James’ feet, yowling and biting at our ankles.

The cat is not playing.

He’s in distress.

“Something’s wrong,” Beau says, panicked. “Where’s Harper?”

Wilson howls, a low pained sound, and we all run down the stone path of the garden, looking for her.

She’s gone.

She left again.

“Her car is still here,” James confirms. “She can’t be far.”

But there’s a tremor in his voice.

It’s fucking happeningagain.

Wilson yowls as he darts through the flowers and trees.

Her scent is barely here, soured with despair and pain.

“This is your fucking fault,” Beau hisses, his eyes crazed. “We should have told her the truth from the beginning.” He shoves me, hard, and I stumble back. I narrow my eyes, but don’t retaliate.

He’s right.

This was my plan.

My idea.

And now…

“I can barely scent her,” James says quietly. “It’s too far faded. It’s like she’s not even near here, anymore.”

He’s paler than usual, and his hands tremble. “I’m two seconds from losing my shit,” he spits. “Because I don’t think she left here on her own.”

Beau turns his attention away from me and back to James. “What are you talking about?!”

“We need to check the cameras,” James says, eerily calm.

“For what?” Beau demands.

Understanding dawns on me.

“Fuck,” I hiss. “Fuck.”



When I was twelve,I met James at my group home. He had bounced around from family to family, which had all sent him back because of behavioral issues.

At first, I didn't like him.

I didn’t understand why he couldn’t just beniceto the adults that took him in.

I was nice to everyone, yet I was still stuck sharing a room with three other kids in crappy government funded housing.