Page 105 of Wicked Alphas

“Who the fuck is that?” Grey demands, growling as he rewinds the footage.

I squint at the screen, biting my lip.

And then, it hits me.

“It’s Clyde.” I murmur.

“What?” James demands. “FuckingClyde?”

“Oh, shit,” Grey mutters.

He lied to Harper about who she was, so it makes sense he would lie about who he is too.

We should have known.

Clydehas her.



He didn’t hurt Wilson,which is why I got into the truck.

I watch as Aurora fades away.

Michael doesn’t speak, but I can sense his fury, which matches mine.

“You lied,” I say.

“Shut up,” he snaps, and I grit my teeth.

But he’s the one driving, and the last thing I want is to die in a fiery car wreck.

“Was it worth it?” he asks finally as we take a freeway exit I don’t recognize, “to be back with them?”

I stay silent.

Where are we going?

“You smell like them,” he hisses. “It’s disgusting.”

I shake my head and chuckle humorlessly.

I should be afraid of him, but my anger makes me bold.

“You almost ruined it all. You almost ruinedus.” His voice cracks, and it’s pitiful and ugly.

Almostruined it?

“You knew I was an Omega, Michael,” I say softly, looking out the window. “You were overdosing me on suppressants. I could havedied.”

“I would never let that happen to you. I knew how much I was giving you,” he shoots back.

“Sure,” I scoff.

The car swerves, and I gasp as a horn blares at us. “What are you doing?!” I shriek.

“They got into your head.Theytold you all these lies about us—”