I leaned down and looked at the driver who sat with his hand resting on the steering wheel and wore a white tank top with a fucking gold chain around his neck.
“Fuck off, before I rip your dick off and mail it to the sexual predator department down at NYPD.”
His face morphed into an expression of fear. He recognized me. This was Romano territory after all, and I was the goddamn don’s son. The car screeched away, and I faced the girls again.
They followed me like newly hatched chicks, whispering to each other warily. We reached my car, and I opened the back door. “Get in.”
Fiona put her hand on her hip. “I don’t think I’m supposed to trust a Romano—”
I leaned down and spoke very clearly, very dangerously, right in her face. “You’re not supposed to be out on the street at midnight, without any protection, dressed like that, either.”
She glanced down at her skimpy little pink dress and pump heels, then sighed, rolling her eyes. “Are you going to tell—”
“No. Your father would blow a fucking artery if he knew. Just get in.”
The two girls slid into the back, looking cold and pissed off. I drove them home, dropping off Ari first, then Fiona. She showed me where she’d escaped over the fence and promised me that she would be very careful going back in.
I don’t know why I never told her dad or brothers. I still didn’t know now, sitting here waiting to see if she was at the house party she was definitely not supposed to be at. I couldn’t always know where she was—she’d become very sly in her escape plans, but I tried nonetheless.
Her father put a personal guard on her two years ago when she turned 15. He didn’t even know he was a little late in that decision. The guard’s name was Gio, he was in his forties, and was a good guy. A real father figure compared to the zero attention she received from her actual father. But even Gio needed some evenings off. Besides, even if he had been at the Moretti house, I wasn’t surprised that Fiona made it past him. She was a sly minx.
I wouldn’t lie and say I didn’t want to go in there and find her, bring her back here, and have her all to myself. It was all I wanted to do. Aside from protecting her, I craved her attention, and I certainly craved her body.
Now that she was 17, I felt less weird about finding her attractive, but it was still wrong. It would still be illegal for me to sleep with her. Obviously, I was not the type of guy to stick to the law. But I was also not the type of creep who convinced teenage girls to sleep with him. Even if she was the undeniably beautiful teenager I’d watched grow up. The perfect Moretti Princess. That was only more reason for me to be here, in my car, protecting her instead of rushing in to take her for myself. She was precious not only to me but to an entire family of ruthless killers.
So, all I could do was sit here and imagine what it could have been like. What her body would look like if I had her perched on my lap, naked, and writhing with pleasure—pleasure that I gave her, a pleasure like she’d never experienced before. I wished I could just pin the pompous vixen down and show her that she didn’t always have to be in control. That she might actually enjoy herself if she’d shut up and listen for once in her life.
I waited in the car for an hour. I was looking at the time on my phone and sighing when I suddenly saw Frederico Rossi storming out of the front door. He blew past other kids who called after him angrily and shoved his hands into his pockets to get his car keys out. His red Porsche was parked across the road, about three cars ahead of me.
I didn’t know about this guy. He was a Rossi, firstly, so we didn’t get along. The Romanos and Morettis were at least on the same page about most things, but the Rossis were on their own, constantly deciding against the consensus, so naturally, I didn’t like him or his father very much. Secondly, he was betrothed to Fiona. The dickface was going to be the one to marry her and have her in his bed for the rest of his life.
I tried not to be a sourpuss about it, but I was definitely jealous.
I assumed that her father made this deal to try and make an ally of the Rossis, but in my mind, that was just a disaster waiting to happen. I didn’t know him very well since we’d never hung out as kids, but I knew his dad was a real piece of work. A proud, boastful cun—
I saw Fiona. She burst out of the front door, her hair looking a little wild, and her face the epitome of anger.
“Frederico!” she shouted, and he stopped halfway into his car, climbed back out, and looked at her impatiently.
What the fuck happened here?
She stepped into the road to confront him, and I edged down in my seat so they wouldn’t see me watching. I couldn’t hear their conversation because the music from the house was booming, and the kids smoking outside were laughing, so I tried to focus on their gestures and lip movements instead.
Fiona was throwing her hands into the air angrily, and Frederico was running his hands roughly through his hair, as if extremely frustrated.
I wasn’t sure I understood where this came from—as far as I knew, they hardly ever hung out. When we did have a gathering of the three families, they chatted, but they didn’t really have a friendship that I knew of. Had they been talking over the phone? Texting? Sexting? I made a mental note to figure out how I could see the activity on her phone.
I focused on her, and I noticed that the zip at the back of her dress wasn’t pulled up all the way.
What the fuck?
I looked more closely and saw that her hair wasn’t as flawless as it usually was. It was a little tangled, like bed head. Anger built up inside of me, my breathing deepened, and I gripped the steering wheel so tightly that my knuckles were white as the sun.
Was it possible that Fiona had finally lost her virginity? I could never be sure but with the amount of surveillance she had on her—between myself and Gio—it was almost impossible for her to be alone with a guy. Except tonight of course, when she sneaked away to a house full of horny teenagers and empty bedrooms. I started to understand why the cops always broke up these underage house parties.