Page 43 of Claimed By Him

“Yes… Tony, yes!” She pushed her forehead into the bed, and her whole body started to tremble. I felt her inner walls clench around my dick and that was it, I was done; I came hard and growled my pleasure out through my teeth.


After the last few thrusts, I trembled as well. Her body relaxed as her orgasm dissipated, and I held her still until I could pull out and not convulse from ecstasy.

Once I had pulled out, Fiona flipped over onto her back and lay with her hair all over the place and her chest heaving with exertion. I stepped into her small bathroom and threw the condom into the trash can. When I got back to the bed, she was watching me.


I took the blanket and pillows that had been thrown to the floor and set the bed back up before climbing in and laying back. Fiona came to lie under my arm, snuggling in against my body with her leg wrapped around mine.


“You thought I was going to leave?”

Her eyes darted up, looking at me through her lashes. “Yes.”

I brushed her hair out of her face. “I’m not going anywhere.”

The sun was rising now, lighting up her whole apartment. I noticed how colorful it was compared to her bedroom back at the Moretti house. Yes—I snuck up there once during a party. And no, I didn’t steal her panties, even though I definitely wanted to.

The walls of the open floor plan apartment were covered with paintings. They were mostly abstract paintings, bursting with color, with some pop art style and even some wacky abstract landscapes.

“Where’d you get all these paintings?”

Fiona opened her eyes and looked at the walls. “Mostly here in Manhattan at art galleries and exhibitions.”

I nodded my head. “And this one?” I pointed behind us, above the bed. I’d already taken note of it. It was a large, detailed yet still slightly abstract painting of a cathedral. Pretty unusual for her. She smiled without looking up.

“It’s from Milan. I went there a long time ago with my dad. We went all around Italy, but my favorite place was Milan because of the fashion shows.”

“Did he take you to some shows?” I dragged my finger down her arm.

“Yes. Then I saw a street artist painting this outside theduomoand begged my dad to buy it. He had it sent back home and put it up in my room.” She sat up and looked at it. “I had to sneak it out the house to get it here without Antonio knowing about it.”

I chuckled, smiling, and not missing the chance to stare at her gorgeous tits while she talked.

“I guess it reminds me of the side of my dad that I liked. Also, it reminds me where I want to end up.”

“In Milan?”


I nodded, trying not to let that get to me. I could probably take her there, but I could never move there. Not unless I dropped my whole family. I didn’t want to think of the future. The very moment I walked out of this place, our lives would go back to the way they were before. I’d no doubt have to stay away from her so she could get married. At this point, I didn’t know how I would do that. I decided to try to change the topic.

“Why did you keep this place a secret?” I folded my hands behind my head.

Fiona, still sitting up, dragged her eyes across my arms, taking in the detailed designs of my tattoos. “I, um… I needed it, so I could be my own, from time to time. I’m sure you know how Antonio would have acted… he would have forced me to choose an apartment uptown in one of his buildings. He probably would have invited himself over to check up on me…” She shook her head. “I just wanted to feel what it would be like to be independent.”

“I see,” I nodded. “So, you chose a place downtown, in my territory, instead.” Her smile grew, and she bit her lip.

“Well, technically, I chose it because Ari lives right next door.”

“But you knew I’d be around here.”

Her smile grew. “I guess I did like the fact thatifanything happened… you’d probably be close by…”

I reached out and took her by the back of the neck, brought her forward, and kissed her. She settled against my chest. When I broke the kiss, I didn’t say anything. I wanted to tell her that I would always be here, that she could stay here and live that independent life with me to protect her. But I knew that wasn’t what she wanted. So, I just stared into her sparkling green eyes instead.