Page 40 of Claimed By Him

Or did he mean he didn’t want to lose me as a lover? Because that was a little more complicated. He never had me to begin with. There was never any option for me to be his. Or was there? Was that what he was saying? That he wanted tokeepme in some way?

Fuck… my overthinking was exhausting me, but a few minutes later, he started to mumble in his sleep. I turned around carefully under his arm and watched his face. His lips puffed out as he spoke.

“My girl… she’s… my princess…”

My heart rate picked up. This was almost torturing—if I didn’t enjoy it so fucking much.

“No… leave her…”

What was going on in his mind? It must have been a bad dream because he started frowning, and his body jerked slightly.

“No!” His voice got louder, so I started to run my hand over his body, caressing his skin gently to pull him out of the dream. I touched his chest, abs, waist, and hip. Then my fingers slid back up, traveled over his shoulder, and wrapped around his neck. I began running my nails through his short hair, and his breathing deepened again. It felt good to be able to calm him down like this.

Just when I was about to stop and try to get more sleep, I felt him move. His arm that was now over my hip pushed around me, and his hand grabbed my ass, surprising me with the strength he used to pull my body against his. I thought maybe he was still sleeping but then his eyes opened very slightly.

“You’re staring at me,” he said, closing his eyes again.

I smiled and continued running my nails against the back of his head. “Just making sure you’re okay…”

He slowly shook his head. “I’m not.”

“What's wrong?”

He let his hand travel down my thigh and pulled with his fingers behind my knee. I caught his drift and lifted my thigh over his. He then held my ass again and pushed his hips forward, his eyes still closed, showing me the problem. His hard-on pressed against me, and a small gasp escaped my mouth.


Fuck, I hadn’t even realized how horny I was until he pushed against me like that. The warmth of our skin touching and the urgency of our hands gripping each other was sending signals of need straight to my core. I hesitated, knowing he needed his rest and that I shouldn’t be teasing him like this.

He opened one eye and looked at me, then released my body, and moved his head back on the pillow to look at me properly.

“Fi… I understand if, after the last time, you don’t want to.”

I thought back to the night at the club. Yeah, it was rough, and it was painful, but what I remembered the most was the emotion and the hurt in his voice when he told me to stay out of his way. I decided to move on after that, but I never thought that he hurt me on purpose. No, that memory was a delicious kind of pain, and I’d missed him so fucking much since then. I told myself I was happy to move on to a less dramatic life with a comforting man, and I was, but this feeling right here—this burning desire and storm of butterflies in my stomach—that was what made the drama so worth it.

I pulled him back against me and moved my hips to push myself against his dick. My lips brushed his, but I didn’t kiss him. He watched me, breathing deeply and closing his hand around my ass again. He was waiting for me to confirm that this was what I wanted.

“Tony… I don’t think I’ll ever stop wanting you.”

“Good.” His deep voice sounded husky now, and his eyes were caught on my mouth. “Because there was no way I was going to let you out of this bed before I had your body again…”

He reached forward and pulled me half on top of him. His fingers hooked on my shorts and pulled the material up to get a handful of my ass. Those same fingers were dangerously close to dipping between my thighs and touching me like he did that first night.

I felt the burning desire almost explode inside me, and I ground myself down against him. “Fuck.”

I finally kissed him, pressing my lips to his for only a moment before opening my mouth and taking his lips between mine. He brought his hand up my back and pressed my body against his chest while kissing me back sensually at first, then with more hunger.

I didn’t know what I was doing or why, all I knew was that I wanted Tony so fucking badly that it hurt. I’d been missing him more than I ever realized and having him crash back into my life like this was like a wake-up call. The universe was telling me to deal with this pain, to make some kind of move on the feelings I had for him before I spent the rest of my life pushing it back down until it exploded in my chest one day.

I had to do this; I had to either get him out of my system or just die in this bed with him.



Fiona positioned her body over mine, never breaking our kiss. I let my hands roam her body without shame—squeezing her ass, caressing her thighs, scratching up her back as I pulled her T-shirt up.

Fuck, I love this body.