My dick was hardening solely because I was alone with her. We’d never been this alone. Not like this, locked in my bedroom… it was new territory. I pulled my suit jacket off and laid it over an armchair, then walked right up to her.
“About me fucking you, Fiona.”
Her eyes darted to my jacket, then up to me, then back down. I didn’t think I’d ever seen her nervous before, and her sudden vulnerability was wreaking havoc on my need for her. She brushed her hair behind her ear and shrugged one shoulder.
“Is that what you want?”
“I’m asking you.”
She looked at me, becoming annoyed with my vagueness. It was adorable.
“Well fuck, Tony.” She broke eye contact, lifting her hands in agitation. “You’ve been following me around for years, looking at me with those eyes…”
“And?” I asked, putting my hand on the door behind her and leaning down to be level with her face. The room was dark, but I could tell she was flushed.
“And…” She shrugged, looking like she had no reason to lie. “Of course I want that.”
I couldn’t hold back any longer. Now that she’d admitted it, I didn’t want to waste any more time. My sweet princess wasn’t a teenager anymore, and she just admitted that she wanted me to fuck her.Christ.
Taking my hand off the door, I grasped her chin, and lifted her mouth to mine. My lips pressed against hers, confirming the softness I’d always only assumed about her full, pink lips. A deep, satisfied rumble came from my chest, and I slid my lips along hers, feeling ecstatic with desire and angry with frustration at the same time.
My other hand slid onto her hip and squeezed the bone. Fiona let out a little whimper and put her hand on my chest, lightly pushing me away. I broke the kiss and focused on her eyes, but I didn’t move away.
“I, um, is this… whatyouwant?” she asked nervously.
I stood at my full height, pulled her stupid little bag over her head, and threw it onto the chair with my jacket. Then in one swift motion, I reached forward to grasp her sexy ass and lift her up. She caught my shoulder just in time and locked her legs around my waist, gasping with fright. I had her pinned to the door, looking down at me.
Licking my lips, I let my eyes roam her chest before looking directly into her eyes and answering her question.
“It’s what I’ve always wanted, baby girl.”
Then I kissed her again, only this time, it was primal. My lips claimed hers roughly, and I felt her hands run up my shoulders and around the back of my neck.
I opened her mouth with my tongue, sliding it between her lips, and against her own tongue. She melted into it, squeezing her body against mine, and kissing me back hungrily.
Fuck. I knew what we were doing was wrong according to many other people, but to me, this felt so fucking right. I held her thigh tightly and slid my arm around her back to move away from the door. Carrying her body while she clung to me, I crossed the room to my bed and sat down, letting her ass rest on my thighs.
Reluctantly, we broke the kiss. She pulled my bottom lip between her teeth and opened her eyes.
“Fuck, Tony…”
“Yes, Fiona?” I asked while brushing her hair back and wrapping the strands around my fingers.
Her wide eyes searched mine while she bit her lip tentatively. “I didn’t know you wanted this.”
“I thought it was pretty clear,” I mumbled sinisterly.
“You were always so angry with me, though.” She ran her hands up and down my shoulders as if memorizing the shape. I shook my head.
“I was angry because I couldn’t have you.”
“Really?” A small smile appeared across her lips.
“Really. Now, stand up and take that dress off.”
Her eyes widened slightly, and her smile grew sheepishly. She got off my lap and stood in front of me while I leaned over and switched the bedside lamp on.
“That’s better… go ahead, baby.”