Page 29 of Claimed By Him

“Jesus, Fiona…” Antonio wiped his face with both hands and stood up in frustration.

“Trust me, it took some convincing, but he’s open to it.”

“I’m not worried about him!” Antonio waved his hand through the air. “I’m worried about you and your happiness!”

“I just explained what I want in a man—”

“Yes! Yes, fine.” He became thoughtful, clenching his jaw, then sat down again to look into my eyes. “But don’t you want someone closer to your age? Someone you can have a good… bedroom life… with?” he asked awkwardly.

I smiled, looking down at my nails. “Don’t worry about that. Like I said, I find him very handsome. And he’s definitely a gentle and considerate man.”

“Okay, okay!” He shook his head and closed his eyes, obviously regretting even asking about that.

I didn’t mind. Alex—as he asked to be called—had looked after himself very well over the years. He was still young at heart, and he made me feel very comfortable. Besides, I’d had the best sex of my life already. Nothing would top the time I spent with Tony. No matter how much I really wanted to feel that again, I was just glad my first time wasn’t disappointing.

After a long moment of silence, me thinking about Tony, Antonio thinking about my proposition, he asked carefully, “So… this is really what you want?”

I smiled, actually feeling happy from the relief of finally making this decision. “Yes. Look, Antonio, not to sound materialistic or anything, but Alessandro has a big estate, and no one to pass it on to. He actually expressed to me that he regretted never having children, and if he has a child with me, at least we’ll be there to take over his estate and carry his name into the future.”

“I suppose he wants a prenup, to keep the estate under the Marchesi name after he dies.”

I shrugged my shoulders. “That’s fine with me. I’ll stay a Marchesi even then. I’m not looking to take his fortune; I’d rather just use it to make my own.”

Antonio smiled but only slightly. “Okay.” He spoke softly and repeated himself. “Okay. If this is absolutely what you want, I’ll meet with him and make arrangements.”

I grinned. “Thank you. Now, I have plans this evening.” I stood up and flicked my ponytail over my shoulder.

“Please, Fiona, for heaven’s sake, don’t screw this up.”

I scoffed. “How could I?”

* * *

“Girl, you are lying!”Ari held her hand across her gaping mouth.

“I am not!”

We were seated at a busy cocktail bar in the heart of Manhattan, sipping Mojitos and discussing my new status as a non-virgin.

“I can’t believe that sexy chunk of a man, Mr. I’ll-fuck-you-up-if-you-get-out-of-line, Mr.Big Brotherhimself, was the one to take your virginity!” The pitch of her voice raised with each word, filling her body up with excitement.

“Yes, bitch!” I wiggled my hips. “Finally! I never thought it would be him, but I’m so glad that it was.”

“I bet!” Ari grinned. Her blonde hair was blown out and styled into beautiful waves that fell over her shoulders, and she wore high-waisted leather pants with a cute graphic T-shirt cropped dangerously high. She wore a Fenti sports bra underneath, so it was totally fine if the top did ride up.

I’d gone for a darker style than usual—that had nothing and everything to do with my new non-virgin status—a simple, body-hugging, black minidress with my signature pink color showing up in a pair of bubblegum-pink Balenciaga sneakers. My hair was still pulled up in a high ponytail, which I enjoyed whipping around confidently.

We decided that tonight we would dance, so we left the girly outfits and high heels at her place, opting for comfort and durability instead. We still looked entirely fabulous, don’t get me wrong. It was a different kind of confidence when you could move freely without the fear of wobbling and tripping or a boob popping out.

“I’m telling you, Ari, he was so sexy. All dark and demanding while still being sweet and caring at the same time.”

She sighed happily. “Sounds like the perfect man.”

“Well yeah, until he told me it would never happen again.” I rolled my eyes and sipped on my crazy straw.

“Urg! Why do boys ruin everything?” She threw her hand out in question and had me bursting into giggles.

“I don’t know! But it’s okay… because I finally decided on who I’m going to marry.”