Xavier Newbold:Morning??I take it you got home okay?

Me:Safe and sound, although the trip wasn’t nearly as enjoyable as the outbound flight??

Xavier Newbold:Are you referring to the class or the company?

Me:Definitely the company. Even though you barely spoke to me during the flight out

Xavier Newbold:I was trying to sleep! It was the middle of the night

Me:Lol no need to get defensive. I’m actually pretty fond of your grumpy ways in case you haven’t noticed

Xavier Newbold:And here I thought you only wanted me for my sexy body

Me:You do have a few other redeeming qualities but yeah, mainly I just want you for your body

I climb onto the bed and prop myself up on the pillows, getting comfortable for what I’m anticipating will be a fun chat. But then my face falls when I see Xav’s next text.

Xavier Newbold:Sorry we shouldn’t be doing this. I shouldn’t have made that dumb sexy body joke

Me:What do you mean?

Xavier Newbold:We decided that this thing would be over once we left Thailand so that should probably mean texting too

I draw in a harsh breath, my heart pummelling against my chest at the sight of those words.

Me:You mean cut all ties completely? Is that what you want?

Xavier Newbold:Of course it’s not what I want. But it might be easier?

Me:I vote no. I don’t care if it makes things harder, I’m not just cutting you out of my life. I need you. And if I can’t see you I need to at least be able to text you.

Xavier Newbold:Okay you win. I don’t think I’d have been able to stick to that rule anyway lol

Xavier Newbold:But we should at least try to keep things clean—totally platonic from now on

Me:I’ll try but I’m not promising anything??



Our mission to keep things clean in our texts lasted all of four hours. I keep telling myself the sexting is okay, that it’s kind of like a nicotine patch to wean me off this Trent addiction and make things easier for when he moves back home and ultimately meets someone else. But it’s been three days and the cravings haven’t lessened whatsoever. If anything, I just want him more, if that’s possible.

I didn’t realise just how accustomed I’d gotten to falling asleep and waking up in his arms, and now that I’m home my bed feels so unbelievably empty without him.

I roll over in bed, groaning at the slivers of sunlight sneaking through my blind and lighting the room. It’s still insanely early but I know there’s no chance of me getting back to sleep. You’d think now that my nights are no longer spent having several rounds of sex I’d actually be able to get some decent shut eye, but you’d be mistaken. As ridiculous as it sounds, it appears I just can’t sleep properly without Trent next to me.

I grab my phone from the bedside table and start scrolling through my previous text exchanges with Trent. It’s too early for me to text him now, so I just read through our past conversations like a horny, lovesick idiot.

I jolt in surprise when my phone vibrates in my hand, and for a millisecond I think Trent must have somehow sensed that I’m awake and decided to text. But then I see the name on the screen.

Jack Macey:Any chance we can meet up to talk now you’re back?

I stare at the message in surprise. What does he want to talk about? Did Trent tell him about what happened on the trip? And why the hell is he messaging this early?

Me:What the fuck are you doing up at 5.30am?

Jack Macey:Shit sorry, didn’t mean to wake you! Figured your phone would be on silent