Trent offers me a soft smile. “It’s okay. I’m sure he’ll be fine.”

I shake my head in confusion. “It’s so weird, though. He was totally cool before when we were talking about my new guy. He even encouraged me to try long distance. I don’t get it.”

“I think I do,” Trent says enigmatically. He slides off his stool and gives my temple a quick kiss. “I’ll be back in a sec.”


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Twenty-Five - Trent

I findJack in the hallway that leads off to the toilets; there’s no one else nearby, which I’m guessing is why he chose this spot to brood.

“Were you going to tell me or just keep it a secret?” he mutters as I draw up beside him, his tone tinged with accusation.

I let out a soft sigh. “Of course I was going to tell you. I was waiting until you got back from the farm so I could tell you in person.”

“But you never told me you’re into guys,” he says, sounding almost lost. “You never said anything.”

My heart aches at seeing the hurt expression on Jack’s face. For years when we were teenagers, I was Jack’s sole confidante while he struggled with his sexuality, so of course he’d feel let down if he thought I’d been going through something similar and hiding it from him. It’s why I’d wanted to tell him everything in person, so I’d have the time to explain it all properly and avoid this.

“I didn’t know,” I say, my voice full of what I’m hoping is gentle reassurance. “I’m still not sure if I’m actually bi or if it’s just a one-off thing with Xav. I promise, I wasn’t keeping it from you.”

He considers me for a long moment, his expression still full of confusion. “Why him of all people?”

I let out a soft sigh, shrugging. “I have no idea, it just sort of…happened.” Offering a wry smile, I attempt to lighten the mood. “Surely you of all people understand the appeal of Xavier Newbold?”

He draws in a breath, nodding slowly. “I guess you really love him if you’ve decided to move back here just to be with him.”

I offer a soft smile. “It wasn’tjustXav. I’ve missed living down here. I want to be able to spend more time with everyone. But yeah…I do really love him.”

Jack gives a decisive nod and pushes himself off the wall. “Alright then. Can’t pretend it’s not going to take a little getting used to, but if you’re happy, then…” he trails off with a shrug.

I grin and draw him in for a hug, letting him know how much I appreciate his support. “Thanks, mate.”

“Um, yeah, okay…” he rambles awkwardly as he steps away from me, heading out of the passage and back toward the bar. “Come on. Beer time—your shout.”

My brows shoot up. “Myshout?”

He glances back, offering a wry smile. “I gave you a boyfriend. Least you could do is buy me a beer.”

I roll my eyes but nevertheless shout him a pint, glad to see him smiling and joking again.

“Everything alright?” Xavier asks when we get back to the table, his expression full of concern.

“All good,” I assure him, sliding into the seat next to him. I glance across the table at Jack, who definitely seems to have left the brooding back in that passageway and is now eyeing Xavier and me with intense curiosity. “I would like to lay down some ground rules though,” I announce.

“Ground rules?” Jack asks, his brows raised.

“Yep. First up—no one is allowed to reference the fact that you two have had sex in my presence.”

“We never had sex in your presence,” Jack says with a smirk.

I narrow my eyes at him, and the bastard just laughs. “Moving on…you—” I point at Jack “—need to completely forget what Xavier looks like naked. Fortunately, my dick has memory erasing powers so Xav’s all good on that front.”