I reach between our bodies and wrap my hand around Trent’s hard dick, stroking firmly. He thrusts into my hand as we continue to devour each other’s mouths. The feel of his body moving against mine, the taste of his kiss, the pressure of his fingertips digging into my skin as he clings to me—they’re all the things I want to savour, because after tonight…that’s it. Tomorrow, our private little tropical bubble is going to burst, and as of next week we won’t even live in the same city. To be honest, the fact that Trent’s my ex’s best friend seems completely irrelevant compared to that obstacle. I’d put up with any weirdness from Jack if it meant being with Trent, but I don’t see how we could manage it once he goes back to Sydney. I did briefly wonder what my chances of convincing Alastor to move our business to Sydney would be, but it didn’t take long for the answer to hit me:none at all.
“Xav…ahh, Jesus,” Trent groans, burying his head in the crook of my neck as he reaches his climax, coming into my hand.
He manages to lift his head, offering a wry smile. “Not that that wasn’t amazing, but a handy wasn’t exactly on the list of things to do tonight.”
I arch an eyebrow at him. “There’s a list?”
He nods. “A long one.”
I smile and tilt my head up to steal a quick kiss. “Don’t worry. We’ve got plenty of time.”
“Turn the light off,”I hear Trent say in a sleepy grumble, before he rolls over, taking me with him.
“That’s not the light,” I mumble. “Pretty sure it’s the sun.”
“Turn the sun off.”
I manage to pry my eyes open, blearily glancing around for the source of light. There. It seems as though we forgot to close the shutters last night—or this morning; whenever it was that we finally fell asleep, completely sated and exhausted—and now the mid-morning sun is streaming into the bungalow, lighting the whole room up. I jolt up in alarm as it finally registers what time it must be.
“Shit. It must be late.” I reach over to the bedside table and grab my phone, letting out a breath of relief when I see it’s just after nine thirty. “Nine thirty. We’ve still got an hour and a half.”
“I don’t want to go,” Trent murmurs.
I turn around in his arms, finding him gazing at me with longing in his eyes, his mouth arranged in an adorable pout.
“Me neither. But we have to get back to reality at some point.”
I brush a soft kiss to his lips before reluctantly pulling away. Kisses with Trent have a tendency to turn into more pretty quickly, and as much as I’d love one last go-around, we just don’t have time right now. Besides, I’m not sure my body could take it after last night’s efforts, evidenced by the way I have to hobble across the room once I manage to climb out of the bed, wincing with every step thanks to the throbbing pain in my arse.
“You okay over there?” Trent asks, his tone a mix of genuine concern and wry amusement.
“I’ll be fine. Just not really used to be being fucked four times in one night.”
“Hey, I offered an alternative.”
Turning around, I see him stretched out on the bed, a teasing smirk in place. Yeah, I definitely regret not getting inside Trent, especially when he’s so eager to try it; but a bit of fingering over a couple of days isn’t enough for me to feel confident about doing it. I don’t want it to be something he’s just ticking off a list; I want him to actually enjoy it.
And, yeah, maybe there’s this little, tiny part of me that thinks leaving this particular desire unfulfilled for Trent might be leaving the door open just a crack for something—anything—to happen between us in the future. It’s stupid, I know; the more likely scenario is that we’ll go home, Trent will put me clear in the rear-view, and if he still wants to experiment with his sexuality he’ll find some other guy to do it with.
I quickly shake that thought from my head before I let it darken my mood and ruin our last morning here. Offering Trent a soft smile, I give a nod toward the front door of the bungalow. “You should probably go check to make sure you haven’t left anything in your bungalow before we check out.”
He lets out an uncharacteristic groan of annoyance and drags himself up from the bed. “I’ll be back in a minute.”
“Wait, Trent!” I cry out, as he’s about to exit the bungalow, completely starkers.
He pauses in his step, a questioning look on his face. At my arched eyebrow, he glances down. “Oh…whoops.”
I just roll my eyes and toss him a pair of boardies, which he quickly tugs on.
“Alright, I’ll just be a sec,” he assures me. “We’ll still have time for BJs when I get back.”
He turns and is about to head out the door when I notice something that makes me sputter with laughter, while also sending a rush of heat through my body “Uhh…you might want to shower, babe,” I call after him. “You’ve got crusty jizz all over your back.”
We don’t manageto sneak in a blowjob after all; by the time we’re both showered and packed and have checked over the bungalows to make sure nothing’s been left behind; we don’t have much time before we need to check out; but we do manage to squeeze in a quick visit to the restaurant for breakfast.
There are a lot of things I’m going to miss about this place—the main one being Trent, of course. But the food is right at the top; we’re lucky to have truckloads of great Thai places in Melbourne, but it’s not quite the same as experiencing the real thing made with the fresh local produce and with the atmosphere that can’t be replicated anywhere else. And the resort’s breakfast spread has definitely been a highlight food-wise, so I’m glad we’ve been able to stop by this morning.
I pile my plate with food and join Trent at the table that’s become our usual spot whenever we’ve eaten at the resort. My arse has barely touched my seat when Oliver arrives at our table, brandishing a fresh pineapple shake for each of us.