With what appears to be a decent amount of effort, she wipes the shock from her face, nodding in acknowledgment. “You’re right…definitely unusual territory. And what’s going on exactly?” she presses. “Was it just a kiss? Or more than a kiss? Are you actually together now? Do you have feelings for him?”

I let out a wry laugh at the stream of questions, not entirely surprised that this is what Mum’s chosen to focus on and not the whole me being with another guy thing. She might be a little surprised about that considering I’ve never shown an interest in men before now, but clearly there are other aspects of the situation that she finds more interesting.

“I do have feelings for him,” I admit. “But we agreed that it’d just be a temporary thing while we’re on holiday. So, when we get home tomorrow, it’s over.”

She offers me a pitying look. “Darl, if you have feelings for someone you shouldn’t be too quick to push them aside. Even if it is a bit of an inconvenient situation.”

“More like impossible,” I mumble.

Mum just smiles softly. “Nothing’s impossible, Trent.”

Once I’m doneon the phone with Mum, I head into the bathroom for a quick shower so I can start getting ready for the dinner Xavier and I have planned for tonight. I’m away from my phone for a maximum of about twenty minutes, but during that time Mum has obviously spilled my news to my sister and now I have several texts waiting for me.

Alicia McCann:Mum says you’re into guys now????

Alicia McCann:Is this what happens when you move to Sydney?

Alicia McCann:Btw that emoji was supposed to represent shock, not demonstrate what you’d look like with your mouth hanging open waiting for Xavier’s dick

My mouth gapes open in horror at the words I’m reading on the screen. Has she lost hermind?


Alicia McCann:OMG! I’m so sorry! My idiot husband took my phone. Only the first text was from me. The others were from Dave, who will definitely regret acting like such a fuckwit later!

I let out a heavy breath, relieved to know that my sister hasn’t actually gone off the deep end. I can’t help feeling a twinge of sympathy for my brother-in-law, though—Alicia is far too imaginative when it comes to doling out punishments.

Me:Jeez, I can practically hear your evil laugh from here

Alicia McCann:Is it true what Mum said? Or is this some weird reaction to her new blood pressure meds?

Me:I can’t believe she told you! But yeah, it’s true

Alicia McCann:Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone!

Me:You already told Dave??

Alicia McCann:He doesn’t count. And he won’t tell anyone either. Although I doubt anyone would actually believe it so you can stop worrying

I sigh as I put my phone down and finish getting ready for dinner. I wouldn’t say I’mworried, I’d just prefer not to be the topic of local gossip, especially considering I haven’t told Jack yet. And I do plan on telling him; not because I feel guilty, but because he’s my best friend and I want to tell him about this amazing thing that’s happened to me. Mum’s right—I’ve never kept a secret from Jack before; I’m not about to start now just because the truth might be a little awkward.

“Does this feel weird to you?”Xavier asks curiously, giving my hand a gentle squeeze as we walk along the beach after dinner. We’re on our way to a spot Rupert and Oliver have assured us is thebestplace to catch the sunset on the whole of Koh Samui. I’m not sure if they can really verify that with any certainty, because have they actuallybeento every single place on the island at sunset? But it’s our last night here and the weather has been amazing today, so I’m sure it’ll be spectacular regardless.

I glance down to where our hands are joined together, watching as Xav slides his thumb slowly over the back of mine. I shake my head, offering a fond smile. “Why do you always ask me that? Nothing with you feels weird.” I draw him close to me and duck my head to seal my lips against his.

Like usual, he responds without hesitation, falling into me and linking his arms around my neck as though he needs something to hold on to. After savouring a long, languid kiss, I finally pull my lips away and rest my forehead against his. “Come on. We’re going to miss the sunset.”

I reluctantly step back a little and seek out his hand again, leading us further down the beach.

I meant what I said; nothing has felt weird with Xav since the moment we first kissed. In fact, I don’t think anything in my life has ever felt moreright.What actually feels strange is that this will be our last time walking along the beach together. Our last Thai sunset. And when we get back to the resort, our last night in bed together… As of tomorrow, everything changes. And I really wish it didn’t have to.

Because of the poor weather over the past week, we haven’t had much of a chance to venture out together as an actual couple. Not that I’m complaining about spending our days in bed together, but now that I’m experiencing what it’s like to walk hand-in-hand with Xavier out in public, I’m regretting not taking the chance to spend more of our time doing stuff like this. I actually think today might have been my favourite day of the trip, starting with a visit to the mummified monk—who I was amused to see wears sunglasses— followed by a stroll through one of the big markets, drinks on the beach, and, yes, some alone time in Xavier’s bungalow. The only dark spot was the knowledge hanging over both of us that everything ends tomorrow…

When we finally reach the place that I’m pretty sure is where Rupert and Oliver directed us to, I lower myself to the sand and tug Xavier down so he’s seated between my legs.

“I don’t ever want to leave this place,” I murmur, holding him just a little tighter and leaning forward to brush a kiss to the back of his neck. Leaving means going home. It means returning to reality. It means the end of this. Whatever this is…

I still haven’t worked out what it is that I’m feeling exactly; all I know is I don’t want it to end.