He gives a helpless shrug. “IthoughtI loved him, but it’s pretty clear now that I didn’t. And as much as the whole public embarrassment factor still stings, I’m actually glad Jack bailed on the wedding. We clearly weren’t right for each other.”

“You’reglad?”I ask, unable to keep the sceptical expression off my face.

He lets out rueful chuckle. “I would definitely have preferred for him to end things earlier than a few minutes before the ceremony…but, yeah, I’m glad not to be married right now.” He steps closer to me, throwing his hands around my neck and pulling my face down to meet his. “If I were married, I wouldn’t be able to do this.”

The second our lips touch it feels like everything’s alright with the world again. I still don’t know what sent him running earlier but right now, I don’t care. I just want to pull him close and kiss him until we can’t breathe.

I start walking us backwards, falling onto the couch and pulling Xavier down on top of me.

“So, can you tell me what it was then?” I ask gently, running my hands up and down his back in what I hope is a reassuring gesture.

“I just got a bit overwhelmed, that’s all,” he admits. “Everything was just starting to feel so…real.”

“And that’s a bad thing?”

He presses his forehead to mine, drawing in a slow, deep breath. “It’s not supposed to be like this, Trent. This wasn’t supposed to mean anything.”

“Who the fuck made up that rule?” I run a hand through his hair, tilting his head back so his beautiful blue eyes can meet mine. “This might be temporary, but that doesn’t make it meaningless. Whatever happens when we get home, this will always be real to me.”

He offers a shaky smile and I draw him toward me for a soft kiss that quickly turns hungry and desperate. I groan into his mouth as his dick brushes against mine, my hands sliding down to grab at his arse, encouraging him to rut harder against me.

“Trent,” he gasps out, running his lips over my jaw. “Babe, I want your cum in me.”

I pause for a second as I wrap my head around that request. “In you? Like…”

He nods. “No condom.” Returning his lips to mine, he kisses me hungrily, pausing every few moments to make his case. “I want to feel you. All of you. Everything.”

Everything.One word shouldn’t make my heart feel like it’s about to explode out of my chest, and yet it does. I rest my forehead against his, taking a moment to just breathe him in. “You can have it. Everything.”



I’ve never had a guy come in me before.

I mean, I’ve been bare with several long-term partners but, as we’ve established, I usually top, so this is a first for me. I know it’s not that big a deal—I’ve certainly never made much of a fanfare out of finishing inside a guy before—but something about it feels monumental right now, and I’m sure it has to do with the fact that it’sTrent.

His words from earlier keep bouncing around in my head:Whatever happens when we get home, this will always be real to me.I know I’m probably reading too much into it; he might simply be thinking about his newfound attraction to men and what that means for him. But I still can’t help myself from having a modicum of hope. Hope that maybe I’m not alone with these feelings, even if it does seem absolutely insane to be feeling this way after so short a time.

We relocate to the bed, and I watch, mesmerised, as Trent strips out of his clothes. How is it possible that one man could be so fucking beautiful? But it’s not just the golden skin, the rippling muscles, and that long, silky hair; Trent is every bit as amazing inside as he is out.

He climbs onto the bed and crawls over to me, gazing down at me with that brilliant smile of his. “You’re still dressed.”

“I got distracted.”

He lets out a soft chuckle and helps me out of my t-shirt and shorts before cloaking me with his broad body and claiming my lips in a hungry kiss.

I cling to him, kissing him back eagerly as we move against each other. After a few moments, though, I break away, aware that if we don’t stop now, we won’t ever get to the main event.

I slide out from under Trent and scramble over to the bedside table, retrieving the bottle of lube we’ve been using. I uncap the lid and am about to coat my fingers when Trent takes the bottle from me.

“I want to try.”

For a second I think he’s trying to venture the idea of him bottoming again, but then he coats his fingers and gestures for me to lie back on the bed.

“You know what to do?” I ask him.

He offers a wry smirk. “I had a look online. But you can tell me if I get anything wrong.”